Posts: Week of October 29 - November 2, 2018

10/29/2018 7:34 AM by Cheryll.Penney

Hello Everyone!

Thank you to everyone that came out for our Halloweeen Howl on Friday. I think that the children had a lot of fun; I know I sure did! It was so much fun seeing the children all dressed up in their costumes and their pure joy. Also, thank you to those that joined us for the second DEC sustainability meeting on Thursday. 

This week (today), we head to the Playhouse for a showing of Robinson Crusoe. This is a great experience for the students as they get to see live theatre. On Wednesday, I encourage the children to wear black and orange for Halloween. Please do not send your child in their costume. We will be doing some Halloween-themed activities in the classroom and I will have something special for them as a treat but we will not be having a party as it is only a 1/2 day and there just isn't time.

This week's word wall words are he, she, be, the, as. We continue to write and I love to read their stories. For kindergarten students, the letters M and D will be coming home to go on their alphabet ring. Please take 2-3 minutes to practice these letters and their sounds. Take opportunities during your everyday to point out words that have these sounds to reinforce. We talked about vowels and how they have two sounds. We will re-visit this to help solidify.

In math, we started learning about 3D objects. We are learning  some of the names and making them with clay and sticks. The objects we know so far are sphere, cube, pyramid, prism.

I can't believe that the end of this week will start a new month! Time passes so quickly and the children learn and grow every day. If you have any questions, please contact me. I am happy to help in any way that I can.

Have a great week!

Cheryll Penney

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