Posts: Week at a glance October 29th-November 2nd

10/29/2018 2:40 PM by maggie.estabrooks

Parent and Guardians, 


I hope you all had a great time at the Halloween
Howl on Friday. It was amazing to see so many families come out to join the
fun. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the second DEC meeting last Thursday.
I can hardly believe October is ending this week and November is starting. Just
a reminder to make sure students are dressed for the changing weather.






Halloween: On Wednesday October 31st,
we ask that students wear orange and black. Please do not send students to
school in their costume, we do not allow it as they may be ruined. We will be
doing some Halloween themed activities in class to get into the spirit. Unfortunately,
since there is limited time Wednesday (half day) and with the new nutrition policy,
we will not be having a class party.



School Clothing Order- On Thursday, November 1 we
will be sending home order forms for school clothing orders. This is completely
optional. You can use schoolcashonline to pay, but we ask that all order forms
please be returned to the school. We will be having school spirit days
throughout the year that students will be invited to wear school clothing or
the school colors. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
the office.



Show What You Know Binder: Students will be taking home a binder on Wednesday full different work
they have done in class. Please do through this with your child and have them
explain what they have been learning. Parents are required to date and sign
that they have seen the binder before returning it. I realize Wednesday is
Halloween so if you do not get it done that night, that is understandable,
return it as soon as possible.



Book Orders: Students
October book orders are due tomorrow (October 30th). I will be
placing the order right after school tomorrow so I need all online/cash orders
by then. November book order forms are going home tomorrow as well and they are
due back on November 26th.




What we are learning this week:



Literacy: This week we are
continuing to get back into the routine of “words their way”. Students will be
working on a review of the play we saw Monday “Robinson Crusoe and Friday” This will be students formal writing piece
for this reporting period so we will be spending a lot of time on it. We
will be looking at editing checklists as well to improve our writing.



Math: We are finishing our
whole number unit this week. Student are using different forms to represent
numbers, comparing/ordering numbers and learning place value concepts.



Science: Our habitat unit
is slowly coming to an end. Students are finishing up their mini project about
endangered animals. Then we will take a look at food chains in different



French: The students are
learning vocabulary to describe themselves and the members of their family.
Given the time of year, we will also be discussing Halloween. 



This week:


Monday, Oct.
29-  Field Trip to Playhouse- Robinson Crusoe & Friday


Oct. 30 - Hot lunch Tots n Taters. Choir at 9:45am. Estey Afterschool Art


Oct. 31- Halloween- students invited to dress in black and orange.


Nov. 1- Hot Lunch Great Canadian Bagel.  Clothing orders come home.


Friday, Nov.
2- Picture Re-takes. (forms must have been returned) Hot Lunch Tots n
Taters.  LHHS Clubs. 



Have a fantastic week!

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