Posts: ​Weekly What’s Up: December 17-21, 2018

12/17/2018 3:28 PM by Amanda.Davis

Where has
December gone???  The last week before
Christmas break is always an exciting one with lots of learning disguised as
Christmas fun ;)


I am so
proud of the wonderful singing that I heard at the Christmas concert!  Thank you to all of the family members who
were able to join us last Wednesday.  I
hope to see lots of families at our inaugural caroling event tomorrow night.


I posted a
few pictures to Twitter last week and there will be more to come this
week.  You can follow myself
@Mrs_MandyDavis or the school @AveMcadam.


birthday on Tuesday to Pippa!


I want to
wish all of my grade 2 families a Christmas that is filled with special
memories and family time.  Thank you for
all of the ways you have supported myself and your child in 2018.  I can’t wait to see what the rest of the
school year has in store!


Literacy:   Remember
to continue reading and writing over the Christmas break.


read alouds this week will focus on the true spirit of Christmas: sharing
kindness with others.  There is much more
to the holiday season than getting presents and we are going to make that a priority
this week.  I have a feeling Twinkle will
be helping us out with this!


have finished reading A Ghost at Christmas Time and will be watching
Mickey’s Christmas Carol later this week as a connection activity.  I have noticed an increased interest in our
collection of Magic Treehouse books since we began our novel!


 This week our
numbers will be 69-73.  You can ask your
child to show you a representation that we came up with in class or you can
have them create their own representation. 
You can also practice skip counting to that number. 


We are continuing to work on doubles and doubles plus
one facts and on representing numbers to 50 in several different ways.  We are also learning about equality and
inequality and how to represent equal and not equal groups.  Students are enjoying using popsicle sticks
to make tally marks and playing lots of Christmas themed games to practice
doubles, adding and subtracting.  Using
some of the down time over the holidays to play board/card games is a great way
to practice math skills.


Dates to Remember


December 10: Papa John’s


December 11: Caroling at
6:00, cookies and hot chocolate to follow back at the school


December 12: Shopping


December 13: Christmas
clothing day: wear your holiday sweaters and accessories


                                        Cupcake decorating with our grade 5
learning buddies.  If you would like to
send in some candy that we can use for decorating (skittles, smarties, gummy
candies, sprinkles, etc), plates or plastic knives it would be greatly
appreciated.                   Great Canadian Bagel


December 14: PJ
day!  Wear a fresh pair of jammies and we’ll
start the day with a pancake breakfast. 
Students will participate in a variety of Christmas activities during
the morning.


Have a great week, a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Category: Mrs. Davis
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