Posts: Week at a Glance January 21st-25th

1/20/2019 8:24 PM by maggie.estabrooks

Dear Parent and Guardians, 



Another snowy
weekend! I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. I hope that our weather is
not as cold so we can get outside for recess this week. Here are some reminders
for the exciting week ahead.





Book orders:
January book orders have gone home and they are due back January 25th



- Our new breakfast
program will be happening on Tuesday morning. There will be scrambled eggs and
toast for students who would like some when they arrive at school.



Field Trip Grades 3-5- 
Friday, January 25th we will be heading to Willie O’Ree Arena for
the Atlantic ringette championships. We will be leaving at 11:30 to attend the
tournaments opening ceremonies and return at 1:30pm. We will have lunch before
we leave and a snack upon return. 



This Week-


January 21- Papa Johns. 


January 22- Tots N Taters. Breakfast program 7:50-8:15am. 


January 23- 


January 24- Great Canadian Bagel Hot Lunch. Hot Lunch order forms due
back. DEC meeting at FHS 6:30pm. 


January 25- Tots N Taters. Grades 3-5 Ringette Championship at Willie


What we are
learning this week:



Literacy: Students will begin there a persuasive writing
piece of their choice. We will look at the process of choosing a topic,
planning, writing and editing/reviewing. Students will work with me and with
peers to edit/review their own writing when it is complete. This piece will be
our last formal writing piece for the year.



Math: This week we are finishing our measurement unit.
We are looking at figures that have the same area but different perimeters.
Ways we can find the area of various shapes. Also calculating the volume of 3D



Science: We will be starting a unit on light. We will
be looking at human-made sources of light, positive and negative aspects of
light exposure. We will experiment with light/shadows and use various optical



French: French we are continuing our unit with
family/friends and how to describe people (both physical and personality


Health- This week we are starting to
talk about puberty and the effect it has the body. I encourage you to talk with
students about what we are learning and if they have any questions about these



If you have any
questions about anything, feel free to contact me,


-Maggie Estabrooks

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