Posts: Week at a glance February 18th-22nd

2/19/2019 10:21 AM by maggie.estabrooks

Dear Parent and Guardians, 


I hope everyone had a lovely family
day. It is hard to believe February is almost over. We have many fun events
coming up so here are some reminders.






Show what you know binder:
These binders were sent home about a week ago, if you have not already looked
through it with your child please do. Once you have gone through it signed it
and send it back in as soon as possible.


Book Orders: March book orders will
go home tomorrow (Wednesday February 20th) and are due March 22nd.




Family Movie Night- This Friday, February 22 we will be hosting a family movie
night. We will be watching Christopher Robin. Movie night form was sent home on
Thursday and are due back by Wednesday, February 20th. Hope to see
you there!



Hot Lunch: March hot lunch order
forms are going home today.



York Care: We
will be going to York Care on Thursday from


This week:


Monday February 18 –
Family Day- no school. 


Tuesday Feb. 19-
Breakfast program 7:50-8:15am. K-2 visit the superstore. Grade 3/4 visit York
Care. Tot's N Taters Hot lunch. Hot lunch order forms go home. 


Wednesday Feb. 20- 


Thursday Feb. 21- Great
Canadian Bagel Hot Lunch. Grade 3/4 visit Superstore.


Friday Feb. 22- Tots N
Taters. Grade 4/5 Visit York Care. Family Movie Night. 


What we are learning this week:



French: This week we are starting
our unit on food. We will be learning all sorts of new vocabulary for food and
meals. We will read of books that are food centered and the students will write
about their food preferences. We will touch a bit on healthy/ unhealthy foods.
This will prepare us for our superstore visit next week where we hope they can
do part of our presentation in French.



Math: This week we are continuing
with fractions as well and starting to work with decimals. We will review place
value and introduce the new values that come after the decimal point. Once
students are ready, we will begin to order/compare decimals as well as relate
fractions and decimals.



If you have any questions about
anything, feel free to contact me,


-Maggie Estabrooks

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