Posts: ​Weekly What’s Up: April 1-5, 2019

4/1/2019 3:47 PM by Amanda.Davis

Bring on the
April showers.  Please remember to send an
extra pair of socks and mitts with your child as I foresee a lot of soggy
recesses in the future.  Students are
also welcome to leave a change of clothes in the classroom.


The students
have been working hard to prepare for their student led conference with
you.  They will be sharing work samples
and demonstrating their learning.  If you
are unable to make it during your assigned conference time, please let me know
and we can look at rescheduling.


Please take
the time to read over the report card with your child and discuss their
strengths and next steps.  Remember to
complete the comment sheet and return it in the envelop.  The report card is yours to keep.


We are excited
to have a new classmate join us this week. 
Welcome to MAS Kelsie!


Literacy:  Please continue to listen to your child read/read
to them each night.  When you are reading
with your child try stopping throughout the book to ask them questions about what
is happening, how they think the characters are feeling and if there are words
that they don’t understand.  We are
focusing on making personal connections to the story during our read alouds. 


are reviewing nouns, verbs and adjectives during word work. 


writing we are working on adding details to our writing using adjectives.  We want to paint a picture in the reader’s
head.  We are also working on editing our
writing pieces.  During Student Led
conferences you will be introduced to Eetchy. Students are continuing to
practice using this tool to describe things and demonstrate their
knowledge.  Last week we used it to write
about bees and we realized we knew more about bees than we thought we did.  Hunter brought in a book about bees to share
with us.


 This week our
numbers will be 117-120.  You can ask
your child to show you the number as tens and ones, get them to skip count to
that number, make an addition or subtraction equation with that number as the
answer, etc. 


Some students are working on adding two digit numbers
while others are continuing to work on building their mental math strength with
sums to 20.  We are also practicing
subtraction strategies. We’re beginning to work on solving and writing our own
word problems.  We will continue working
on our measurement unit.  This week we
will be visiting the other classes to ask them a question that students wrote
last week.  We will use the results to
create a bar and a pictograph to display our results. 


YAYW: Last week we wrapped up
our unit on states of matter and the water cycle.  Next we will be learning about the life
cycles of animals such as frogs, butterflies and birds and the life cycles of
plants.  We will also continue learning
about bees.  We decorated beehive box has
been returned to the apiary and we are looking forward to getting updates on
‘our bees’ once the flowers blossom.


Dates to Remember


April 1: Papa John’s,
report cards go home


April 2: Tots n Taters,
breakfast program   


April 3: There will be
no library today so students can keep their books at home.


April 4: Great Canadian
Bagel, Student Led Conferences in the evening                            

 Friday, April 5:  No school for students, Student Led
Conferences in the morning


a great week!

Category: Mrs. Davis
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