Posts: MEMS Breakfast Program

9/8/2016 11:30 AM by craig.richards

Our Breakfast Program is new and improved! In keeping with policies and in desiring to provide a free healthy
breakfast for every student, we have worked over the summer to license our Home Ec. kitchen area. As we begin
expanding our menu, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, volunteers will be preparing toast with a choice of
Wow Butter, jam or cinnamon toast. Milk will also be available. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, volunteers will be
trying out some new items such as parfaits (yogurt, granola and fresh berries) and smoothies. Toast will not be
offered on the days other items are available. Students are invited to pick up their breakfast in the Home Ec. Room
from 8:15-8:30am daily. This year’s startup date was Tuesday, September 6th. A huge “THANK YOU!” goes out
to Kim Miller, Registered Dietitian at our Queens North Community Health Centre & Chipman Health Centre, and
Eric Comeau, Community Developer at the Queens North Community Health Centre, who were instrumental in
moving our program forward and working to see we got our kitchen licensed. Another huge “THANK YOU!”
goes out to Rose Collette, our Breakfast Program & Lunch Mates Volunteers Coordinator, for overseeing the
program and for organizing the volunteers who have agreed to participate this year as we expand. 

During the last school year (174 school days), the program used 3 174 ¼ loaves of bread and 18 069 cartons of
milk. Because it is such an expensive program, donations of Wow Butter or jam, as well as financial support,
are much appreciated. Cheez Whiz does not meet nutritional guidelines as set out by the provincial Nutrition
Policy 711 and, therefore, can no longer be served to students.
Our school is still in need of additional volunteers in order to provide the following programs for five days each
 MEMS Breakfast Program (7:30-8:30am)
 MEMS Lunch Mates Program (11:30-12:00pm)
Please contact Rose Collette (327-8015) or the school (327-7016) if you are interested in helping out one morning
or one noon hour each week. Your time would be greatly appreciated.

Category: School News
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