Posts: Assessment/Demonstration Of Learning Week June 13-17

6/9/2022 11:17 AM by nelson.arsenault

Once again, it is that time of year for assessments.  Assessments/Demonstration of Learning Week will be June 13th to 17th.  All students will be doing assessment in all subject areas. Assessments will begin at 8:35 and all students must remain in the classroom for a minimum of one hour.  Buses will not be picking students up after assessments , but will be here at the end of the day to take students home.  Any student remaining in the buliding must go to the cafeteria until all assessments are complete and then go to their regularly scheduled class to review for upcoming assessments or to ask for extra help

Monday June 13th at 8:35 AM - Period 1 Assessment

Monday June 13th at 12:55 PM - Period 2 Assessment

Tuesday June 14th at 8:35AM - Period 3 Assessment

Wednesday June 15th at 8:35 AM -Period 4 Assessment

Thursday June 16th at 8:35AM - Period 5 Assessment

Friday June 17th will be a day for assessments if the regular assements have been interrupted due to school closures during the week.  

Best Wishes for a Great Assessment/Demonstration of Learning Week!!!!!!   

Category: Featured News for Special Events
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