Posts: Homework (7S-A & Mme Sollows-Astle)

10/6/2014 3:22 PM by System Account

7 S-A

The photo day went well!
Sign Reading Comprehension test.
All have corrections to do in their journals and one new entry based on the novel for this week.
Good copy of the Thanksgiving poem is due on Wednesday.
Keep listening to French radio stations and watching something in French each and every day for about 15 minutes.
SCHUM - Photos for your future.
MATH - Page 55 (1,26,7)
SCIENCE - Study the 5 rules of security.
L.A. - Reader's Notebook - Read for 30 minutes
       - Correct the letter
PHYS.ED. - Gym clothes
6 CA
SCHUM - Activity based on page 10. Students are to list the two headings and then five things in youth culture that belong to them and indicate whether or not it is material or non material.
Collect photos for cultural montage next week. The paper is quite large. They can get photos off the internet, but magazines are the best. Please ask around to get some colourful photos that represent your child's life.
 8 A
SCHUM - Chapter 1 pages 10,11,12,&13 - We have done these and will be looking at the Titanic next.
They have exercises from page 13 to finish up for tomorrow.
7-8 LaF
7 La SCHUM - Activity on page 7 - sheet - some have not passed this in. It was due last week.
8 La SCHUM - Review the notes on the Titanic
Both classes did 2 classes on the Titanic. They did well with the supply teacher last week. :0)
P.I.F. - No homework.

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Home(Ms. Sollows-Astle)