10/3/2013 2:18 PM by System Account

7 S-A

Such a photogenic class! They have the photo package to make a choice and get the money and order in for October 9th please.
Fundraising campaign is underway! Sell! Sell! Sell! It ends October 16th.
FILA - Signature de la feuille de biographie;15 minutes (Radio, télévision ou internet) en français
Lecture: Chp 10 & 11 (vendredi) (C'est ma faute, j'ai fait deux chapitres)
SCHUM - Réfléchis p. 20 #1 &2 (LUNDI); Révise les notes du module 1, TEST MERCREDI - le 9 octobre - apporte des fiches d'index si tu peux pour lundi

MATH - Signature
ANGLAIS - Study words; Read; Conférences demain; Persuasif - MERCREDI
FCC - sac de nourriture

6-7 L -L.A.
- Read!

-Actions & Reactions: Chart for poetry examples to complete (most finished it in class)

-2 sheets to start filling out for the reading incentive program. All students are required to read for L.A. They can choose to compete for the the awards or just read as per required, but they do need to record their reading times and have a parent sign off on the minutes each day and at the end of the month.

-Students are working on a writing piece in class. It is going well and they whould be starting the good copies Thursday. It should only take 2 days to finish the good copy. Talk to your child about what s/he is writing about and ask her/him about the types of details s/he is including


SCHUM - Étudie les notes du chapitre 1 (autonomisation); (Still a couple to finish presenting their montage projects of photos which represent their personal autonomisation. When all have completed this I will send home the evaluation to be signed. Thank you for your patience); Test right after Thanksgiving!! If you have some index cards please send them in to help organize the information

7 W (PIF)- We are really having trouble getting to a small quiz on the vocabulary. I will review the vocabulary in class just before the quiz. I have been reminding the students to keep reviewing the sheets they each have. Study all vocabulary sheet for a quiz THURSDAY. The most recent small project is almost done.
8 A SCHUM - Finis les cartes et définitions; Because we only have one period on Friday due to activities in the afternoon, I have decided to move the test to Monday. Test Chap 1, LUNDI, révise les notes et prépare les carte des termes.

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