Posts: Due dates and things

10/28/2014 8:47 PM by System Account

Autobiography - due this Thursday, Oct. 30th.  Students will have some time in class to work on it, but work will need to be done at home.   

We will be working on Science projects in class Wednesday for 2 periods, and another period or two Thursday and Friday.  Research should get done this week.  If students need more time on the computer, they can request to work in the computer lab at noon, or possibly afterschool if required and available.  Please refer to the outline with your child for project requirements.

Cookie dough money and orders were due in this past Monday.  If there are remaining orders still not turned in, please send it in with your child a.s.a.p.  :-)

Activity night this Thursday evening.

Progress reports will be coming home next week. 

Happy Halloween week! 

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