Posts: Testable Questions

10/2/2013 12:47 PM by System Account

Today is 6 science we looked at how to turn questions iinto testable questions that can be used in the scientific method.  Testable questions are worded such as "How does _________ affect ________?".  We looked at several examples together and then practiced.

In the second part of the class we looked at the 5 major groups of organisms on the planet (animals, plants, bacteria, protists and fungi), and learned that all living things have common names e.g. dogs, but also a scientific name (e.g. Canis familiaris) made of two parts: the Genus and the species.  We looked at several examples e.g. Homo sapiens, Populus tremuloides, Canis familiaris to name a few.

To end the class, we discussed what group of animals might be the largest group: I introduced the new group "arthropods - which includes all insects).  We went outside and had a quick look in the woods to see whiat types of animals we could find - all were examples of arthropods (spiders, ants, buterflies, bees, wasps, centipede, mosquitoes) except for a snail and a slug (which aren't arthropods!.

Category: Grade 6 Science
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