Posts: Fireball over NB

3/19/2014 3:41 PM by System Account

What great timing!  In class we have been working on our space unit, and took today's class to talk about the two fireballs that have been seen over the Maritimes and Quebec.  We had a great discussion today about meteoroids, meteorites, the affects of the atmosphere on rapidly moving objects and why the moon/sky sometimes appears red/orange.

CBC Fireball coverage

We also read through a section in the text about different types of spacecraft:  these include satelliltes, probes, landers, rovers, each with a different types of function in space.

We are coming to an end of this unit in the next week or so.  I will be sending home a review packet for students to use as a study tool (meant to help fill in the gaps for those students who do not take notes well).  Our unit test on Space will occur either next week or the first week of April.

Category: Grade 6 Science
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