Posts: 7 S-A Homework & Homework for classes taught by Mme S-A

9/26/2014 2:50 PM by System Account

7 S-A  
Photo information (Oct. 2nd)
FILA (&LECTURE): Biography notes - Some need to improve their plans as they are limited in the content for the biography. All writing to be done in class.
Keep listening to French radio stations and watching something in French each and every day for about 15 minutes.
Read French novel for 10-15 minutes.
MATH - Signature needed on the test
L.A. - Reader's Notebook - Front page due tomorrow! Read for 30 minutes
       - Book orders due Sept.29; Reader's Notebook
PHYS.ED. - Gym clothes
6 CA
SCHUM - Test mark signed and re-test on Friday! Some did not get this signed. All marks in agendas need to be signed please. Some will do the re-test on Monday if their first test is signed.
 8 A
SCHUM -  Celebrate culture days.
7-8 LaF
 Celebrate Culture Days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Discover your heritage.
P.I.F. - No homework.

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