Posts: le 20 janvier

1/20/2015 8:40 AM by System Account

6Campbell - Please remember to get your parents to sign everything I mark and send home. This is very important. Review the types of angles. Pg. 152 #2 and 3 due tomorrow!

7S-A - Please remember to get your parents to sign everything I mark and send home. This is very important. Go over notes for area of a circle and other formulas.

7LaFrance - Please remember to get your parents to sign everything I mark and send home. This is very important. You have a test in Sciences Humaines on Ch. 3 ON  FRIDAY! Please review formulas for area and circumference. Page 151 #1 and 2


8LaFrance - Please remember to get your parents to sign everything I mark and send home. This is very important. Test on Ch. 3 for Sciences Humaines! Review converting percentages to fractions to decimals.

8Allen - You should have most of the research done for your project this week and be started on writing it next week.

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