Posts: le 4 février

2/4/2015 9:11 AM by System Account

7S-A - worjksheet on circle diagrams. Please remember to 1) draw a circle, 2) calculate your total and all your fractions, 3) change each fraction to its equivalent with a denominator of 100, 4) find the corresponding percentage, 5) calculate the percentage in degrees so you can draw it (360 degrees times the decimal number for the percent). Draw the circle diagram and label each section with its percent. THE TEST will begin Monday :) Please study!


6Campbell - Review fractions from grade 5. We start our first lesson of our new unit on fractions, decimals and percents tomorrow!

7LaFrance - The Math test on circles and area will be Monday, so please study! FILA masc/fem packet is due tomorrow.


8LaFrance - FILA masc/fem packet is due tomorrow. question 4,6,7,8 pg 266-267.


8Allen - Please continue working on your projects.

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