Posts: ...Week of Feb. 9th

2/9/2015 4:42 PM by System Account

So, report cards went home on Friday and Parent-Teacher meetings are this week (no school for students this Friday).  I look forward to seeing everyone!

We are into our Electricity unit in Science. 

As well, we are wrapping up our focus on Procedural writing in FILA.  There were a few people who were absent last week and may need to stay in at noon or after school to finish their independent pieces.  We have also created little hand puppets (with paper) and are working in small groups preparing a skit which will be performed for the class!  Maybe we'll do a tour, if we have some really super skits!

A reminder:  Please make sure all money is in and the orange form is returned for our two ski trips.  There are still a few outstanding.



Category: FILA; Science 6
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