Posts: School Closure Because of Weather Conditions

11/18/2014 9:40 AM by System Account

Anglophone West School District
An Important Message to Parents – School Closures Because of Weather Conditions

Anglophone West School District is committed to the safe and efficient transportation of students.  The District recognizes it may be necessary to cancel bus runs, close schools, or delay school opening to ensure students are not endangered by hazards brought on by poor weather and road conditions.
Approximately 23,400 students attend 75 schools in the following areas: Edmundston Perth-Andover, Bath, Florenceville-Bristol, Canterbury, Centreville, Debec, Plaster Rock, Hartland, Grand Falls, Woodstock, Millville, Nackawic, Nashwaak Valley, Burtts Corner, Chipman, Coles Island, Minto, Cambridge Narrows, Gagetown, Geary, Fredericton Junction, Burton, Oromocto, Lincoln, Boiestown, Doaktown, Stanley, Harvey, McAdam, New Maryland, and the greater Fredericton area.
275 school buses transport approximately 15,000 students, travelling more than six million kilometers each school year.  When a decision is made to close school, delay school opening, cancel bus runs, or delay bus runs, safety is the paramount factor.
Options Considered
-       Schools open as usual: no communication required.
-       All schools closed for the day: see “Communication” section below.
-       A school or schools in a particular zone of the district closed:  see “Communication” section below.
-       All school bus routes delayed by one hour: On these occasions, all schools in the district will open at their regular time to receive walking students and drop-off students.  Students arriving late will not be penalized.
-       Schools may be closed early on days when it is anticipated that weather conditions may deteriorate significantly.  It is important that parents have alternate arrangements for their children if they or another adult will not be at home to receive the students.  Please ensure that the school has up-to-date contact numbers for parents (work numbers, cell numbers, etc.) and at least one emergency contact.  It will be announced that buses will run their afternoon runs one, two, or three hours earlier than usual, whatever time is determined.
Important Notes
-       There may be occasions when a particular bus route is hazardous because of varying weather conditions throughout the district.  In cases where the bus driver has a safety concern, he or she has the responsibility to recommend either the cancellation or delay of his/her particular bus run.
-       On days that the weather or road conditions are poor, parents may exercise their right to keep children at home.  Students will not be penalized for such absences; however, parents must provide a written excuse to the student’s teacher when the child returns to school.
-       There are times when school buses run late for reasons unrelated to weather.  Individual school buses expected to be more than 20 minutes late will be announced whenever possible.  Parents are responsible for the safety of their children at the stop until the bus comes.
School Zones

1.     Edmundston
2.     Perth-Andover, Plaster Rock, Grand Falls
3.     Centreville, Florenceville-Bristol, Bath, Woodstock, Hartland, Debec ***NEW***
4.     Canterbury, Nackawic, Burtts Corner, Millville, McAdam, Harvey ***NEW***
5.     Stanley, Boiestown, Doaktown
6.     Greater Fredericton Area (including New Maryland, Keswick Ridge, Nashwaak Valley)
7.     Oromocto, Geary, Burton, Lincoln, Sunbury West
8.     Chipman, Minto
9.     Cambridge Narrows, Coles Island, Gagetown
Decision Process
The Superintendent of Schools makes the decision to keep open or close

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