WebsiteAdmin: Documents

Title: Documents
Add this:
Click Here: Add or edit a DOCUMENT
How-to & Hints: Hint:  You can easily convert Microsoft Word documents by clicking on FILE->SAVE AS, then choose the .pdf format.
Click on this link for more .pdf instructions.

Did you add a document by uploading a file as an attachment to a News item in one of these subsites  (News/Sports/Guidance/Club/Home&School/PSSC) but now want toDELETE that document?
Click on the appropriate link to delete: DELETE an attached NEWS Document DELETE an attached SPORTS Document DELETE an attached GUIDANCE Document DELETE an attached CLUB Document DELETE an attached HOME&SCHOOL Document DELETE an attached PSSC Document
Order: 3

Created at 4/2/2015 10:29 AM by carmel.desjardins
Last modified at 6/8/2015 12:56 PM by carmel.desjardins
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