SMA Announcements: Information Session for Parents/Guardians on Policy 322- Inclusive Education

Title: Information Session for Parents/Guardians on Policy 322- Inclusive Education
Information Session for Parents/Guardians on Policy 322- Inclusive Education The Inclusion Facilitators of the Anglophone West School District are offering an information session on the Inclusive Education Policy for New Brunswick –Policy 322. The following information sessions are being offered: Date:  October 23, Thursday                      Time: 6:30-7:15 Location:  at the library of John Caldwell School in Grand Falls Facilitator: Linda Justason
People planning to attend are asked to register with the Inclusion Facilitator for your area by October 14.
Linda Justason- or 325-4548

Created at 9/18/2014 10:26 PM by Julie.Michaud
Last modified at 9/18/2014 10:26 PM by Julie.Michaud
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