SMA Announcements: Report Cards

Title: Report Cards
Ongoing information regarding the K-8 Report Card Pilot is posted to the ASDW Website – Parent Section – Report Card Pilot   Most recently a Parent Bulletin has been added to this site.  Additionally, a  link to a parent  survey will be available from November 3rd through November 17th via the ASDW website.   The survey can be completed on line or parents can download and send the completed survey  to the attention of Dianne Kay, ASD-W School District.   If required, print copies are available from the Office of the Superintendent by contacting  1-506-444-4035.  Parents can call collect, if necessary. 

Created at 10/30/2014 9:32 PM by Julie.Michaud
Last modified at 10/30/2014 9:32 PM by Julie.Michaud
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