Pages: After-School-Procedure

Name: After-School-Procedure.aspx
Title: After-School-Procedure
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: carmel.desjardins
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Page Content: Dear Summerhill Families,
In order to maintain a safe and orderly environment for our students, we are asking that parents and caregivers to please wait outside the school building or in your vehicles until 3:10pm, if you are picking up your child for afterschool dismissal.  Our school dismissal bell rings at 3:15pm.  Teachers will walk their students down to the Bus Loading Zone with the duty teacher and will proceed to front lobby and out the front doors to meet parents who are picking up students.  
If you are picking your child up throughout the school day, please sign your student out at the front office with the administrative assistant. 
Our school thanks you in supporting us in keeping our building a safe and positive learning environment for all.

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Created at 5/4/2015 12:02 PM by carmel.desjardins
Last modified at 4/23/2018 1:51 PM by carmel.desjardins
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