Posts: SWS Athletic Awards 2020

6/3/2020 9:32 AM by marilyn.Allaby

Hello Folks 


Athletic Awards 2020 


There is no
doubt that the past 12 weeks dealing with Covid-19 have been challenging. 
This is a difficult time and things are changing all the time.  It is
unfortunate that we were unable to finish off the current school year and to
celebrate Sunbury West Athletics the way we would have liked.  However, it
is important to stay positive and be thankful for our family and friends and to
maintain safety for all.



With that
in mind, we would like to celebrate our Bulldog athletes.  On Monday
June 8th we will announce our award winners
for cross country,
soccer, badminton, and basketball.  We will also announce our major award
winners for All Sports Award, Garry Brooks Award, George Gillett Award, James
S. Bigger Award, Spike Award, Principals Award, and Female/Male Athlete of the
year. The announcement will be made via SWS Facebook, email, Twitter
@SWSBulldogs and the school home page   
Any student who does not have a parent consent form (RTIPPA)signed will not
have their names published and will be contacted individually.



On Thursday
June 11th from 6:00-7:00 pm
athletes may come to pick up their award(s). 
One car at a time may stop at the front door where staff will be set up at a
table. The award winner and his/her parent may get out at the door to collect
the student’s athletic award. The major award winners will be able to get a
photo with their trophy or plaque and place it back on the table.  For
anyone who is not able to pick up their award on this evening, it will be
delivered (likely via mail).


To maintain
public health guidelines, we are requesting that only one student and his/her
parent get out of their car at any given time.  Please be aware that this
could be subject to change.




Thank you




SWS Phys
Ed./Athletic Director




Category: School News
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