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Changing schools

Students are assigned to a school according to the location of their primary residence. This school is known as their zoned school.

Students may change schools if they have moved to a new address or if permission is given by the district.


​​Moving to a new school zone ​

If you move outside your current school zone, you must register your child in your newly zoned school. 

  • ​​How to register with your new school

Your current school will help in registering your child in their new school. Provide your new address to your child’s current school, and they will contact your new school to complete the registration. 

Requesting placement at another school​ 

In some instances, a student may be permitted to attend a school other than their assigned one.

To change schools or stay in a school a student is no longer zoned for, a request must be made to the district. 

Out-of-zone students may be asked to leave their school at any time during the school year if new students move into the zone and classes exceed their maximum number of students.

  • Criteria

Consideration of the requested placement may be approved if:  

      • There is space in the school you wish your child to attend 
      • It does not seriously affect the enrolment at either the zoned or requested school 
      • You can arrange your own transportation for your child 
      • The move serves a justifiably defined educational need or purpose
  • ​​How to make a request 

Step 1

You must complete and submit one of two forms, depending on your situation.

If the requested school is within the same education centre as the current school, complete the Request for School Placement Within Education Centre form.

If the requested school is within a different education center, complete the Request for School Placement Between Education Centres form.

Both forms are located inside district policy document ASD-S-355.

Step 2 

Return the completed form to your child’s current school. 

If approved, you must submit a request each school year to renew your child’s placement.

Renew the school placement yearly 

Permission granted in one year does not guarantee permission will be granted in subsequent years. You must submit a request each school year to renew your child’s placement.

Submit your request to your child’s current school using the Student Placement – Renewal to Attend an Out of Zone/Centre/District School form. This form is located inside district policy document ASD-S-355.