This painting was entitled "Wish Upon a Shooting Star". I painted it during my summer vacation after middle school, before high school started. It was painted for École Millidgeville North School; the school where I spent my first four years in Canada, and the school that contained some of my best memories.
The painting depicts a polar bear lying leisurely on his belly on a block of ice, under the night sky. He is closing his eyes as he makes a wish upon a shooting star. Both the bear and the star are symbols of the school. I have also tried my best to use our school colours in this painting. The tone of this painting is mainly blue, with a streak of yellow from the star.
I may not be one of the students who spent the longest time in this school, but this school that I have only attended for four years still means a lot to me. It is the first school I have attended in Canada. I got to know many great people at Millidgeville North. The polar bear represents my wish of good luck to everyone in École Millidgeville North School; to those who have attended, are attending, and are going to attend in the future – to all the teachers and the students. It is my hope that they can have a great experience in this wonderful school.
Zhouhang (Amy) Dai
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