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Annual School Performance Report 2014-2015

Mission Statement

​The RHS community will ensure that every student learns the skills and knowledge required for today and tomorrow.

All students at Riverview High School will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required for today and tomorrow. Specifically students will:
* establish and follow a short term and long term plan for their current learning, continuing education, and future career;
* demonstrate proficiency in essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes for courses that are graduation requirements and a part of their short term and long term plan;
* productively collaborate with others;
* effectively communicate, problem solve, and think critically;
* engage with their community;
* take ownership and responsibility for their learning and actions towards self and others; and
* conduct themselves in a caring and respectful manner.
To achieve our mission and vision, we will:
* make student learning the priority in our planning, acting, and relationships;
* foster positive and caring relationships with students and colleagues by always presuming positive intent, communicating, and working professionally;
* provide a safe, positive, healthy and orderly environment;
celebrate and build on the successes and strengths of staff and students in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular performance;
* collaborate with colleagues and home to support student learning;
* monitor the results of our individual and collective efforts and use evidence to guide our process of continuous improvement;
* use instructional and assessment best practices in support of inclusive student learning;
* provide directive and systematic interventions and enrichment based on student needs;
* commit to professional lifelong learning/development that is reflective and responsive to the needs of the learner (students & staff);
* lead by example and model behavior we expect from all Royals.
Literacy Goals 1

By May 30th, 2015, 60% of grade 9 and 10 students will demonstrate appropriate or strong achievement in identifying the main idea and supporting details on the Ontario Comprehension Assessment.

Literacy Goals 2
Principal's Summary
Literacy Summary

In May of 2015, 75.8% of grade 9 and 10 students demonstrated appropriate or strong achievement in identifying the main idea and supporting details using the Ontario Comprehension Assessment. We had administered this assessment in September 2014 and only had 10% of our students achieve similar results. Two actions we undertook significantly helped in achieving this improved result. Our first action was that all teachers used Stepping Out strategies which are targeted at helping improve literacy across all subject areas. Our second action was to provide a graphic organizer to students when writing the assessment this past May. We will use this assessment again in September 2015 to determine how to best support student literacy again next year.

Numeracy Goals 1

Students will improve their problem solving with fluent number sense. By June 2015, 90% of all grade 9 students will gain a minimum of 2 marks from September on the District’s math screener or achieved a minimum score of 24 out of a possible 35.

Numeracy Goals 2
Principal's Summary
Numeracy Summary

By June 2015, 90.9% of grade 9 students gained a minimum of 2 marks from September on the District’s math screener or achieved a minimum score of 24 out of a possible 35. The District math screener is administered three times per year and is used to assess students’ general numeracy/number sense skills that are the foundation for success in the grade 9 curriculum. Grade 9 math teachers focused on providing in-class support and additional out-of-class interventions (Directed Study Block) to students focusing on the numeracy/number sense skills the District screener assesses.


Positive Learning, Work & Environment Plan (PLWEP)
1. By June 2015, the number of students reaching tier 3 (15 days absent) will reduce from 21% (averaged over the last three years) to 15% and the number of students remaining at tier 1 (less than 7 days absent) will increase to 60%.
2. By June 2015, 95% of seats will pass. (A seat is one student in one class. i.e. One student in five classes equals five seats.)
Principal's Summary
PLEP Summary
1. For attendance, by June 2015 we had on average per semester only 16% (a reduction of 5%) of students miss 15 or more school days while 70% (an increase of 16%) missed 9 or fewer school days. As a school we achieved these results through the constant attention of staff to engaging learning in the classroom, additional supports for learning and attendance outside of the classroom, and improved partnering with the student and their family for those students that needed the greatest support.
2. By June 2015, we had 95% seats pass. As a school we use this pass rate as a general measure of student success which is supported by the work of all school staff. We define a seat as one student in one class. Typically a student takes nine classes (where English Language Arts is typically a full year course) in any year. One student multiplied by nine classes equals nine seats. We had approximately 9,500 seats this past year of which a little over 9,000 were passes. This passing rate has increased steadily over the last number of years from as low as 86% (which represents an approximate reduction of 1,000 failing grades) in the 2006-07 school year.
Areas of Focus Identified by School Review
Review Report

Scheduled to be completed in 2015-16.

Potential Direction for 2015-2016 based on this report

We will continue working on all of these areas of focus for next year again to further improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills, attendance, and overall academic success. We are proud of all that we accomplished this year. We met three goals and fell just short from meeting the fourth. We will strive to do better next year again.