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February 22

PINK SHIRT DAY- please wear a pink shirt tomorrow, February 23, 2022

In 2007, two students took a stand when a new student was harassed for wearing a pink shirt.  They started a movement against BULLYING and February 23rd has become PINK SHIRT DAY.  Please keep the movement going by wearing a PINK SHIRT tomorrow.  😊


SCHOOL CLOTHING - The deadline to order is February 26, 2022.  The on-line site to order School Clothing with DNA Swag is up and running. 

Home RiverviewMiddle (secure-decoration.com) 


Girls –  Today February 22nd 4:15 to 5:30

Boys – Today February 22nd 2:45 to 4:15

Boys – Tomorrow February 23rd 2:45 to 4:15​