Morning Announcements
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February 12
Wednesday, February 12. 2025


Grade 7/8 Art & Poster Club meets today after school until 4:00.  Bring your drawing supplies.

Wellness Centre:

The Wellness Centre will be closed today at lunch, Mr. Stu is not here.


3 V 3 Basketball Intramurals today, only one Round @ 12:10

Referees – Willem/Ben and Ian/Noah                 Score Keepers – Wyatt and Griffin

Court 1 – Maple Bacon vs Shredded Cheese

Court 2 – The Shooters vs Menacing Mustardz


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the Varsity Girls for their victory over RPS yesterday. The girls next game is when they face RPS again in the semifinals next Tuesday at QMS.

The JV Girls lost a tough game against SMS yesterday in their semi-final. Congratulations to all players on a great season.

Today, Varsity Boys play at HMMS at 4pm.

Tomorrow, the Varsity Boys practice 3 – 4:30 followed by the Varsity Girls practice 4:30 – 6.

Reminder to both JV teams to wash and return your jerseys to Ms. Hannam ASAP


The Dungeons and Dragons Club is cancelled today, Mrs. Lord is not here..

PRIDE Passes – A grade 6 stopped in the hallway when O’Canada started to play. That’s very respectful! A grade 8 helped a friend with a presentation.

Staff –Lunch will be set up by 11:30 this morning, enjoy!

Trivia – Valentine’s Day

1)     The oldest-known Valentine's Day message was written in the 15th century!

2)     Approximately 50 million roses are sent for Valentine's Day each year.

3)     Approximately 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold each Valentine's Day.

In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of the goddess Venus. Only 3 classes got this right, one in each grade level. Most guessed Aphrodite but that is the Greek goddess’ name.  ​

February 11
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wellness Centre:

UBU QMS meets today at 12:10. The Wellness Centre is closed today, so the meeting will be held in Mrs. Harris's classroom. All are welcome.


3 v 3 intramural action resumes today:

Referees- Griffin/Wyatt and Ella/Leah          Score Keepers – Alana/Fiona and Nora/Leah

Round 1: Court 1 – The Benchwarmers vs The Bricks and Court 2 – Lakyers vs Kirbys

Round 2: Court 1 – Menacing Mustardz vs Maple Bacon


Wed Feb 12

Referees – Willem/Ben and Ian/Noah                 Score Keepers – Wyatt and Griffin

Only one Round @ 12:10

Court 1 – Maple Bacon vs Shredded Cheese

Court 2 – The Shooters vs Menacing Mustardz


Basketball action:

Varsity Girls travel to RPS, JV Girls travel to Sussex for their semi-final game, and the Varsity Boys practice 3 – 4:30.

Tomorrow, Varsity Boys play at HMMS


PRIDE Passes – A grade 6 girl is always polite and patient. A grade 8 student was assertive and struck up for someone.

Staff – I hope everyone enjoyed the treats in the staff room yesterday! QMS Connections has a little gift for all staff today. The bags will be delivered during the morning. And don’t forget about lunch tomorrow! No need to pack your lunch, it will be all laid out for you in the staff room.

Trivia – Valentine’s Day

1)     In what century was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message written?

2)     Approximately how many million roses are sent for Valentine's Day each year?

3)     Approximately how many million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold each Valentine's Day?

Bonus: In Roman mythology, Cupid is the son of which goddess?​ 

February 06
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Many, many thanks to the families who donated to our Share the Love Campaign! Your support is so very much appreciated!


Hello band members!  The music room is open in the second half of lunch today.  That sounds like a GREAT time to practice those tough sections.


Grade 6 Art & Poster Club will NOT meet after school today.  Instead, we will meet in the art room during second half of lunch today.


Wellness Centre: 

Grit Group Gr. 8: Your meeting is Period 2 today.


3 on 3 Basketball intramurals today:

Referees – Zayed/Kalem and Nora/Alana Score Keepers – Michelle/Addy and Eamon

Round 1: Court 1 – Basketball Beasties vs The Ballers and Court 2 – Leprechauns vs Sty Fries

Round 2: Court 1 – Chicken Nuggets vs Donkeys and Court 2 –Kitties vs Dinosaurs


Basketball action:

Good Luck to the Varsity Girls as they travel to HMS and to the JV Girls as they host HMS. Both games start at 4pm.

The Varsity Boys will NOT practice tonight, practice has been cancelled.

Tomorrow, the Varsity Boys travel to Beaconsfield for an exhibition game and the JV Boys practice 4 – 5pm.

Ms. Hannam is still looking for a few score keepers for basketball games. If you can help out, please see her ASAP.


PRIDE Passes – A grade 6 student was described as selfless, studious and polite. A grade 8 student consistently lets others go first at the lockers.

WWE Fans! The group will be meeting in Mrs. Page’s classroom during the second half of lunch. Join the group to discuss Raw, Smackdown and PPV events. All are welcome.

February 05
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Today is the deadline to donate to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS.  We are very grateful for all the families who have made donations that will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation next week!


Hello Beginner Band!  You have rehearsal today after school until 4:30pm. You’ll be working on those long band songs.


Grade 7 & 8 Art & Poster Club will NOT meet after school today.  Instead, we will meet in the art room during second half of lunch today.

Tech: If we are inside today due to the cold temps, only grade 7 students will be allowed in the Tech room. An announcement will be made before lunch.

Wellness Centre:      Grit Group Gr. 7: Your meeting is Period 2 today.


3 on 3 Basketball intramurals today:

Referees – Eamon/Jace and Izzy/Mia  Score Keepers – Fiona/Alana and Nora/Leah

Round 1: Court 1 – Pickles vs Wet Bandits and Court 2 – Shooters vs Ankle Breakers

Round 2: Court 1 – The Bricks vs Lakyers and Court 2 – Slammers vs The Benchwarmers


Tomorrow, Thurs Feb 6

Referees – Zayed/Kalem and Nora/Alana Score Keepers – Michelle/Addy and Eamon

Round 1: Court 1 – Basketball Beasties vs The Ballers and Court 2 – Leprechauns vs Sty Fries

Round 2: Court 1 – Chicken Nuggets vs Donkeys and Court 2 –Kitties vs Dinosaurs


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the Varsity Girls basketball team for their exhibition victory over Barnhill yesterday. Great team game girls!

Today, the Varsity Boys are practicing 3 – 4:30 and the JV Boys practice originally scheduled for today, has been moved to Friday.

Tomorrow, Thursday, the Varsity Girls travel to HMS while the JV Girls host HMS. Good luck to both teams!

Also tomorrow, the Varsity Boys will practice 6 – 7:30pm.


The Dungeons and Dragons Club will be meeting today during the second half of lunch in Room 106, Mrs. Lord’s classroom. All are welcome.

PRIDE Passes – A grade 6 student is kind and helpful. A grade 6 student ran an errand for a teacher in need.

Tuesday Trivia answers:

1.     The three secondary colours are orange, red and purple.

2.     The most common human eye colour is brown.

3.     Winners of the Tour de France wear yellow, polka dot, green or white jerseys.​ 

February 04
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

We are following an Assembly Schedule today. Periods 1 and 2, break, periods 3 and 4, lunch. All students will go to their homerooms after lunch and will be called to the gym by grade level. TNB will perform their play during block 5 and when it is over, students will go to their lockers to collect period 5 items and what they need to take home.

Tomorrow is the deadline to donate to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS. Donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week February 10-14. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!


A reminder that there is Singing Club today after school until 4pm. The group has a few new members and would welcome some more. If you like to sing, please consider joining!



Wellness Centre:

The new Grit Groups will start today.

Grit Group Gr. 6 (English HRs): Your meeting is Period (block) 2 today.

Grit Group Gr. 6 (French HRs): Your meeting is Period (block) 3 today.


Black Canadian History Month Volunteers Wanted! Would you like to help create a Take 5 for SEL about this important topic? We are seeking some student leaders interested in encouraging empathy and anti-racism at our school. This is open to Grades 7 and 8 and the invitation is especially extended to black members of our school family. Talk to your teacher, or come directly to see Mr. Stu.


No 3 on 3 Basketball intramurals today, the gym is closed at lunch but tomorrow:

Referees – Eamon/Jace and Izzy/Mia  Score Keepers – Fiona/Alana and Nora/Leah

Round 1: Court 1 – Pickles vs Wet Bandits and Court 2 – Shooters vs Ankle Breakers

Round 2: Court 1 – The Bricks vs Lakyers and Court 2 – Slammers vs The Benchwarmers


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the Varsity Boys for their victory against SMS yesterday. Great game by all players!

After school today, the Varsity Girls host Barnhill in an exhibition game at 4:30pm.

Tomorrow, the Varsity Boys are practicing 3 – 4:30 and the JV Boys will practice 4:30 – 6.


PRIDE Passes – A grade 7 student showed respect by learning and using an adult’s name. A grade 8 student continues to support the breakfast program and is kind to other students.​ 

February 03
Monday, February 3, 25

Only a couple of days left to donate to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS. Donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week February 10-14. Deadline to donate is Wednesday, Feb 5th. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!


There will be a band prep today for the Senior Band trombones and grade 7 students who have just moved to Senior Band. This band prep is in period 2. Please request permission from your period 2 teacher before proceeding to the music room.

This is a reminder that there is Senior Band after school today.  You are still on the Monday schedule this week.

Wellness Centre:

The new Grit Groups will start tomorrow. Students involved, please listen to the announcements each morning for your time.

Black Canadian History Month Volunteers Wanted! Would you like to help create a Take 5 for SEL about this important topic? We are seeking some student leaders interested in encouraging empathy and anti-racism at our school. This is open to Grades 7 and 8 and the invitation is especially extended to black members of our school family. Talk to your teacher, or come directly to see Mr. Stu.


Ski / Snowboard Club - a pair of beige knit gloves and a black hockey Canada toque were left on the bus. If they belong to you, please see Mr. Nelson. Also, if you have any photos from your evenings at Poley, please send them to Mme Spinks.


Basketball action:

Good Luck to the Varsity Boys today as they host SMS. Following the game, the JV Girls will practice 5:30 – 7.

Tomorrow, the Varsity Girls host Barnhill in an exhibition game at 4:30pm.


PRIDE Passes – Two grade 7 ballots pulled from the box today. The first swept the floor at lunch without being asked. The second, showed empathy by making a nervous student feel included.​ 

January 31
Friday, January 31, 2025

Good bye January! :) 

A note for outside at lunch, students are not to be on the snowbank across from the staff parking, closest to Chris Saunders. Too much rough play and staff are not able to see you. All students need to keep their hands and feet to self while outside at lunch. Playing in the snow is fun, be no physical contact.

More and more hearts going up in the main lobby each day! How do you get a heart to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS? Families can donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week in February. Deadline to donate is Wednesday, Feb 5th. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!

Music and Art:

The Art room and the Music room will both be closed at lunch today.


Wellness Centre:

Black Canadian History Month Volunteers Wanted! Would you like to help create a Take 5 for SEL about this important topic? We are seeking some student leaders interested in encouraging empathy and anti-racism at our school. This is open to Grades 7 and 8 and the invitation is especially extended to black members of our school family. Talk to your teacher, or come directly to see Mr. Stu.


Ski and Snowboard team! If you have any photos that you have taken at Poley, please send them to Mme Spinks. We would love to have some for the yearbook and for the monitor. They can be action shots from the hill, chair lift selfies (don’t drop your phone!), or hanging in the lodge pics.


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the JV Girls for their great game yesterday in Bellisle. The girls came away with a much-deserved victory!  

Today, the Varsity Boys have a shoot around after school.

Monday, the Varsity Boys host SMS and the JV Girls will practice 5:45 – 7.

Another reminder for scorekeepers! Please see Ms. Hannam if you are able to help out.


For staff: A reminder to FSL teachers interested in registering their classes to Manie Musicale ... please send your name to Mme Cyr today.

Yearbooks – Today is the deadline to order a PERSONALIZED copy of the yearbook! If you would like to have your name on the cover of your yearbook, follow the Jostens link on the QMS homepage to order your TODAY!

PRIDE Passes – A grade 8 student helped clean up a mess that wasn’t his. A grade 6 student showed good sportsmanship in PE class.​ 

January 30
Thursday, January 30, 2025

More and more hearts going up in the main lobby each day! How do you get a heart to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS? Families can donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week in February. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!


There will be a Senior Band practice today after school until 4:30pm. 


The Art room will be closed at lunch for the remainder of the week.

Wellness Centre:

French speaking Take 5 Anchors needed! Show your cougar pride and please see Mr. Stu right away if you are interested in helping. Remember Gr. 8s only and you must be a role model with strong attendance and determination. You will record today during Period 3. Teachers, please encourage your students to step up.


3 on 3 Basketball Intramurals today:

Referees – Willem/Ben and Noah/Ian  Score Keepers – Wyatt and Griffin

Round 1: Court 1 – Maple Bacon vs the shooters and Court 2 – Shredded Cheese vs Menacing Mustard

Round 2: Court 1 – Kirbys vs The Bricks and Court 2 – Lakyers vs Slammers


Basketball action:

In basketball action, the JV Boys lost a tough game to RNS last night. Great effort by all players!

Today after school, the JV Girls are at Belleisle and the Varsity Boys practice 3 – 4:30.

Tomorrow, the Varsity Boys will have their Friday shoot around after school.

Those interested in score keeping, or those who have been helping out, please make note of the new games that have been added to the schedule outside of the gym. If you can help out, please sign up! If you have questions, please see Ms. Hannam!


WWE Fans! The group will be meeting in Mrs. Page’s classroom during the second half of lunch. Join the group to discuss Raw, Smackdown and PPV events. All are welcome.

Yearbooks - The deadline to order a PERSONALIZED copy of the yearbook is just 2 days away. If you would like to have your name on the cover of your yearbook, follow the Jostens link on the QMS homepage to order your copy before Friday.

PRIDE Passes – A grade 7 student cleaned the classroom after lunch when others left a mess and A grade 6 student showed excellent Cougar Pride and effort in class.​ 

January 29
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A note for outside at lunch, students are not to be on the snowbank across from the staff parking, closest to Chris Saunders. Too much rough play and staff are not able to see you. All students need to keep their hands and feet to self while outside at lunch. Playing in the snow is fun, but no physical contact.

More and more hearts going up in the main lobby each day! How do you get a heart to Show the Love to the fabulous staff of QMS? Families can donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week in February. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!


Mrs. Rattray is not here today so the Music room is closed at lunch and Beginner Band is cancelled after school today. 

Since Senior Band was cancelled on Monday, there will be a Senior Band practice tomorrow after school until 4:30pm. 


The Art room will be closed at lunch for the remainder of the week.

Wellness Centre:


Intramural 3 on 3 basketball tournament:    Playing today:

Referees – Nora/Alana and Eila/Leah  Score Keepers – Michelle/Addy and Zayed/Kalem

Round 1: Court 1 – Basketball Besties vs Leprechauns and Court 2 – The Ballers vs Sty Fries

Round 2: Court 1 – Chicken Nuggets vs Kitties and Court 2 – Donkeys vs Dinosaurs



Referees – Willem/Ben and Noah/Ian  Score Keepers – Wyatt and Griffin

Round 1: Court 1 – Maple Bacon vs the shooters and Court 2 – Shredded Cheese vs Menacing Mustard

Round 2: Court 1 – Kirbys vs The Bricks and Court 2 – Lakyers vs Slammers


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the JV Girls for their great game against RPS yesterday. The girls came out with a victory in a close fought game. Congratulations also to our Varsity Boys for their victory last night against Sussex. The Varsity Girls also had a close game against Sussex but were not able to come away with the victory.

Today, the JV Boys head to RNS for a 4 pm game and the Varsity Girls will practice 3 – 4:30pm.

Tomorrow, Thursday, the JV Girls are at BMS and the Varsity Boys practice 3 – 4:30.

Those interested in score keeping, or those who have been helping out, please make note of the new games that have been added to the schedule outside of the gym. If you can help out, please sign up! If you have questions, please see Ms. Hannam!


The Dungeons and Dragons Club will be meeting today during the second half of lunch in Room 106, Mrs. Lord’s classroom. All are welcome.

Yearbooks - The deadline to order a PERSONALIZED copy of the yearbook is just 2 days away. If you would like to have your name on the cover of your yearbook, follow the Jostens link on the QMS homepage to order your copy before Friday.

PRIDE Passes – A grade 6 boy is helpful with classroom jobs like putting the chairs down and completing the daily calendar. A grade 6 girls is always working her best.​ 

January 28
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Have you noticed the hearts in the main lobby? How do you get a heart to Show the Love? Families can donate on Cashless Schools and for every $2 that is donated, the student will receive a paper heart on which they can write the name of a staff member who they would like to celebrate during Staff Appreciation week in February. All donations will help QMS Connections to spoil our staff members with a delicious meal and other treats and surprises during Staff Appreciation week!


Mrs. Rattray is out this morning but there is Singing Club after school today.  Practice will end at 4pm


The Art room will be closed at lunch today.

Wellness Centre:

UBU QMS is on today during the second half of lunch in the Wellness Centre. All are welcome!


Intramural 3 on 3 basketball tournament:    Playing today:

Referees - Izzy/Mia and Wyatt/Griffin   Score Keepers – Eamon and Louis

Round 1: Court 1 Slammers vs Kirbys and Court 2 Benchwarmers vs Lakyers

Round 2: Court 1 Wet Bandits vs Shooters and Court 2 Pickles vs Ankle Breakers


Tomorrow, Wed Jan 29

Referees – Nora/Alana and Eila/Leah  Score Keepers – Michelle/Addy and Zayed/Kalem

Round 1: Court 1 – Basketball Besties vs Leprechauns and Court 2 – The Ballers vs Sty Fries

Round 2: Court 1 – Chicken Nuggets vs Kitties and Court 2 – Donkeys vs Dinosaurs


Basketball action:

Congratulations to the JV Boys and the Varsity Boys basketball teams on their victories yesterday! Great job by both teams!

Good Luck to the JV Girls as they host RPS at 4pm and to both Varsity teams who play in the middle school showcase for the Dairy Town Classic high school tournament. The Varsity Girls play Sussex at 5pm and the Varsity Boys play Sussex at 6:30. Both games are at Sussex Regional High School.

Tomorrow, the JV Boys head to RNS and the Varsity Girls will practice 3 – 4:30pm.


Yearbooks - The deadline to order a PERSONALIZED copy of the yearbook is Friday of this week, Jan 31st. If you would like to have your name on the cover of your yearbook, follow the Jostens link on the QMS homepage to order your copy in the next few days.

PRIDE Passes – Earlier this month a grade 6 girl helped with the grade 6 door and pylons. Another grade 6 student demonstrated great patience and manners. Thank you!​

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