St. Stephen High School
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Student Handbook 2014 - 2015
282 King Street
St. Stephen, N.B.
E3L 4X7
Phone:  (506) 466-7312
FAX:  (506) 466-7314
http: //
Welcome back students and staff, a special welcome to the class of 2018.  I hope each of you had a restful summer and you are ready to take on the challenges and excitement of the new year.  It is my sincere hope that you will find your time at SSHS challenging and enjoyable.  I encourage all students to take full advantage of the many opportunities available to them both in and out of the classroom.
We have been working very hard to provide a learning community that will allow each student to be successful and reach their full potential.  Have a great year.
Welcome back to our new and fellow Spartans! We would like to congratulate the coming graduates of 2015 and also wish you luck in your future endeavors. We hope that your senior year is amazing, and  that you will seize every opportunity given in order to make this year one to remember. This is the year that you will treasure forever, so do not hold back and hold your head high as Spartan leaders.
Your SRC hopes that everyone had a great summer and you are all looking forward to starting up the 2014-2015 school year. To our Grade 9 students we wish for you over the next 4 years many great experiences as you begin your Spartan Journey . To our Graduates of 2015 your journey will come to an end very soon and we hope that you hold high your leadership qualities and pass your love of being a Spartan onto those following in your footsteps. In this final year of high school seize every opportunity given to you to create memories you will treasure for a lifetime.
To the grade 9’s we can only say to you “GET INVOLVED”  SSHS offers such a wide range of sports, clubs, groups and activities; so find your passion, try new clubs, or a new sport. These next 4 years will fly by, just ask the seniors in our building about this. Joining new clubs, playing on any of the variety of sports teams, getting involved in everything SSHS has to offer will have you developing new friendships and give you fantastic experiences and pride in being a “SPARTAN”.
Your SRC looks forward to the many fun filled activities we will be offering this year. May this coming school year be one of the best yet J
With Spartan Pride
Your SRC
Anthony Daigle                       Tanner Anderson
Lexi Brisley                             Mark Jordan
Adam Tanner                          Cheyanne Trainor
Morgan Parks                          Nick Goleniec
Sarah Brownrigg                     Rachel Glynn
Mr. James P. Waycott - Principal          Mrs. Tricia Calder  .  - Counsellor
Mr. Adam  Harris - Vice-Principal        Mrs. Jennifer Grant - Counsellor
Mrs. Krista Amos - Vice-Principal
  8:20  a.m. .........................................................……....Warning Bell
  8:21 -   9:26 a.m. .............................................................Period One
  9:26 -   9:31 a.m. ..........................................................Class Change
  9:31 - 10:28 a.m. ......................................…………...…Period Two
10:28 - 10:38 a.m. ........................................................………..Break
10:41 – 11:39 p.m. ..........................................................Period Three
11:39 - 12:19 p.m. ...........................................................……..Lunch
12:19  -  1:17 p.m………………………………………...Period Four
  1:22  -  1:52 p.m. ............................................................Period Five
  1:52  -  2:02 p.m. .....................................................................Break
  2:05  -  3:01 p.m. ………………………………….…….Period Six
8:21 - 9:26
Period 1
9:26 - 9:31
9:31 - 10:28
Period 2
10:28 -10:38
10:41 - 11:39
Period 3
11:39 - 12:19
12:19 - 1:17
Period 4
1:22 - 1:52
Period 5
1:52 - 2:02
2:05 – 3:01
Period 6
8:21 - 9:26
Period 1
9:26 - 9:31
9:31 - 10:28
Period 2
10:28 - 10:38
10:41 - 11:39
Period 3
11:39 - 12:19
12:19 - 1:17
Period 4
1:22 - 1:52
Period 5
1:52 – 2:02
2:05 - 3:01
Period 6
ST. STEPHEN HIGH SCHOOL 2014/2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR                     (Subject to Change)
August 25............................................................................... Administrative Day
August 26-28..................................................... Administration/Curriculum Days
September 01......................................................................... Labour Day Holiday
September 02.................................................................. First Pupil Day (grade 9)
September 03............................................................ First Pupil Day (all students)
September 16 (evening)……………..Grade 9 Parents/Guardians Meet Teachers
September 18……………………………………………………..School Photos
September 27…………………….Matt Bender Invitational Soccer Tournament
October 09-10 (no classes)……......………………..Professional Learning Days
October 11……………………………...Nick Desilets Memorial Football Game
October 13 (no classes)............................................... Thanksgiving Day Holiday
October 22, 23, 24…………………………………………………..Grad Photos
October 24................................................................ First Semester Report Issued
October 28-31………………………………………………….Halloween Week
October 30................................................................................. Halloween Dance
November 04 (no PM classes for Gr.  9 & 10)................... Post-Secondary Expo
November 05...................................................................... Grade 9 Kids to Work
November 11 (no classes).......................................... Remembrance Day Holiday
November 13-14 (no classes on the 14th)…….……….Parent/Teacher Interviews
November 21-23………………………… Boys Hockey Flakeboard Tournament
November 27……………………………………...First Semester Reports Issued
TBA………………………..JVBoys Courier Invitational Basketball Tournament
December 12-13…….....Varsity Girls Rotary Invitational Basketball Tournament
December 18 ...……………………………………………..…...Christmas Dance
December 19…………………… Last Day of School Prior to Christmas Holidays
December 19-20……...Varsity Boys Ganong Invitational Basketball Tournament
January 05 (no classes)………………………………..Professional Learning Day
January 06 ……………………………………………………..   School Re-opens
January 19-23…………………………………………….…First Semester Exams
January 26-27 (no classes)………..………………………….Turn-Around Days
January 28............................................................ Opening Day of Semester Two
TBA……………………………….JV Girls Invitational Basketball Tournament
January 31 ............................................................. First Semester Reports Issued
TBA…………………………………………SSHS Open Wrestling Tournament
February 12………………………………………Valentine Semi Formal Dance
February 13 (no classes)………………………….…Professional Learning Day
March 02-06 (no classes)............................... School Closed for Spring Vacation
March 20-29…………………………………………………Musical Production
March 20............................................................ Second Semester Reports Issued
March 26, 27 (no classes on March 28th)..................... Parent/Teacher Interviews
April 3 – 6………...……………………...Good Friday/Easter Monday Holidays
April 20 ...………………...........................................Professional Learning Day
April TBA………………………………………………………….….Dramafest
May 01 (no classes)………………………………….…Provincial Council Day
May 04 (no classes)….………………………………………………NBTA Day
May 08 ………………………………………..Second Semester Reports Issued
May 11-May 15…………………………………………………….Spirit Week
May 14………………………………………………………Spirit Week Dance
May 18 (no classes)............................................................. Victoria Day Holiday
June 08-12....................................................................... Second Semester Exams
June 17................................................................................. Graduation Exercises
June 19...................................... Last Pupil Day/Second Semester Reports Issued
June 22-23...Parent Consultation, Team Planning & Professional Learning Days
                    for Teachers
St. Stephen High School consists of two programs. The first is the grade 9/10 program, which consists of sixteen courses and forms a solid academic foundation for high school. Students are expected to maintain a minimum average of 60% in all courses. Math and English are full year courses in the 9/10 programme (all others are ½ year or semestered).
As per the department of education guidelines, students not meeting the recommended outcomes at the end of the academic year, may be expected to repeat their year, successfully complete summer school or repeat individual courses before being placed in the next appropriate grade.
The second program consists of grade 11 and 12. During this program students are individually scheduled in credit courses, and are enrolled in five courses per semester, they are therefore able to select a maximum of 20 credits over two years.   In order to graduate a student must successfully complete 17 out of 20 courses from grade 11 and 12, including the compulsory courses designated by the Department of Education.
Students in grades 9 & 10 are expected to maintain a minimum 60% mastery level.  Evaluation procedures will focus on class work, laboratory work, tests, homework assignments, portfolios and demonstrations, as well as final exams.  Each reporting period will represent the students cumulative mark to date.  Any student who wishes to receive prior academic value for a particular unit or an entire course may make a request to the administration.
Students in grades 11 & 12 are evaluated with a pass mark of 60%.  Each reporting period will represent the students cumulative mark to date.
A student who misses an evaluation or fails to submit any major project for reasons not deemed valid will receive an incomplete mark until the evaluation or project is completed.
Honours’ standing is conferred for a course mark of 80% or higher.
Honours’ standing is conferred for a year if a student achieves an average of 80% or higher with no failing mark over 20 courses.
Honours Society is conferred if a student maintains honours standing each year during Grades 11 and 12.  A year is defined as two semesters.
High honours apply to items 1, 2 and 3 but is conferred for a mark of 90% or higher.
Social Award - Involvement in 3 social clubs and social activities
Social Award With Distinction - Involvement in 9 social clubs and social activities
Managerial Award -The equivalent of 2 years managing a varsity team.
Athletic Award - The equivalent of being a member of a varsity team for 2 years during grades 11 and 12.
Athletic Award With Distinction - The equivalent of being a member of 6 varsity teams during grades 11 and 12.
Honour Society - Maintaining an Honour Standing (80%) during grades 11 and 12.
High Honour Society - Maintaining a High Honour standing (90%) during Grades 11 and 12.
***Students must demonstrate involvement during their senior year in the appropriate category
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for each semester and you are encouraged to discuss your child’s progress with the teachers at that time.  However, if you have concerns at any time, please contact the school and make an appointment with the teachers, guidance counselors and/or administration.
          November 13         7:00   -   9:00 pm           Gymnasium    
          November 14         8:30   - 11:30 am            Classrooms
          March 26               7:00    -   9:00 pm           Gymnasium
          March 27               8:30    - 11:30 am            Classrooms
To promote  regular attendance at school, thereby insuring that the student obtains maximum benefits from the educational system.
St. Stephen High School uses an automated telephone system to contact homes each day, when a student has an unexcused absence from class.
St. Stephen High School will initiate the following interventions with respect to student absenteeism.  Depending on the known reasons for the absences, the school may decide to forego any or all of the steps.
 After the 6th day/class missed, a letter will be sent home, and the student will be contacted by the appropriate Vice Principal or Guidance Counsellor.  When deemed appropriate the school student services team will develop and implement appropriate interventions.
After the 12th day/class missed, a case conference may be organized under the direction of the school administration and in collaboration with the school student services team.  The participation of the pupil and parents is essential.  At the school’s discretion, this conference could include district office personnel and/or outside-agency involvement.
The case conference will generate clear expectations with agreed-upon consequences.  The committee may recommend that the administration withdraw the student from school.
The student and parent/guardian have a right to appeal any recommendation.
Any absence from school must be documented in the traditional manner by a parental/guardian note delivered to the homeroom teacher when the student returns to class.
Students must be in class for 50% of the class period to be marked as present.
It is recognized that there will be circumstances beyond the control of a student that will cause that student to be absent.  However, to fairly evaluate the merits of each absence is impossible.
An attendance exemption is a privilege that must be earned based on the following criteria:
  1.  A maximum of 5 absences is allowed in any one class.  More than 5 absences in any class will result in ineligibility to exempt in all classes.
  2. Two tardies will equal one absence.  N.B. The total of five absences and one tardy is too much in one subject.  Therefore, an exemption will not be forthcoming.
  3. In the event of a death in a student’s immediate family, that student is to contact the Principal or appropriate Vice-Principal before or immediately after the absence.  A note will be given to the student with a copy to each teacher concerned.  A copy will be placed in the student’s cumulative record.  These absences will not count for this policy.
  4. School suspensions will count against the student because it is the student’s behaviour that caused the suspension.
  5. Students who are absent from subject class because of school sponsored co-curricular or extra-curricular activities or because of other reasons for which the school or school district is responsible (i.e. late buses) will be deemed present for the purpose of this policy.  Any other absences will be regarded as absences, without distinguishing between those which are acceptable, and those which are not.
  6. It is the student’s responsibility to advise the subject teacher before (if possible) or immediately after the absence if the absence is school related.
  7. The student’s behaviour must be deemed positive and acceptable by the teacher in whose subject the exemption is being granted.  Also, all tests and projects must be satisfactorily completed.
  8. In the event of a discrepancy between the computer records and the teachers’ records, the teachers’ records will be considered the correct source of information.
  9. A student cannot exempt an exam in a course in which he/she has a mark less than 80% and must be achieving a passing mark in all other courses.
  10. The student’s mark on a course for which the final exam has been waived will be based on the student’s class mark of the course.
  11. A student must take five (5) courses during a semester to be eligible for an exemption.
  12. Subject may only be exempted once every fifth semester (i.e. 
       English must be written four times before it can be exempted).
13.  A student may apply to the attendance committee to be excused
       for an activity that is deemed unique or enriching.  This
application must be made 2 weeks PRIOR to the absence.  A      maximum of 3 additional classes may be granted.
       14.  A student may apply for an exam exemption, and attempt to    
              bolster a final mark by writing the exemption eligible exam.  If the
              mark on the exam would increase the final course mark, it will
              be counted.  If the final exam mark would lower the final course
              mark, it will be discounted.  Regardless, the exemption will count
              even if the exam mark is not counted in the semester mark.
Students must sign in if arriving for the first time after the 8:25 a.m. bell and must sign out if leaving the school before the end of the day.  Students must have written permission or oral verification by the parent/guardian before a leaving slip will be issued.  In the event of a student being unable to return to school following lunch, he/she must have a parent/guardian notify the school by telephone.
Students at St. Stephen High School may select a cross-section of courses from academic, industrial, business, home economics, fine arts, and Co-operative Education areas.  In addition, specific programs are offered in late French Immersion and Technology.  A complete outline of all courses, programs and graduation requirements are available from the guidance office.
The following programs are offered at this school:  soccer, volleyball, golf, basketball, curling, hockey, rugby, softball, wrestling, football, baseball, cross country, drama, art club, band, math enrichment, yearbook, student government, senior class, Bully Blockers, Gay-Straight Alliance, Y.E.E.S. Science Enrichment, Renaissance, Key Club, Art Club, Oratorical, Tech, Running Club.
Cafeteria facilities are available for students before school and during lunch hour.  The Compass Group staff offers an assortment of food at a reasonable cost to the student.  Students are responsible for the removal of waste upon completion of their lunch.  THE CAFETERIA IS THE ONLY DESIGNATED AREA OF THE SCHOOL IN WHICH STUDENTS SHOULD CONSUME FOOD AND BEVERAGES.
Students are encouraged to seek extra help from their teachers if they do not understand an assignment, if the work is difficult, or if they have been legitimately absent and have missed assignments and class discussions. Times for prescheduled extra help include before morning classes, lunchtime, after school and period 5 (AI) class.
Career guidance and individual counselling services are available through the guidance department.  Assistance in the selection of programs and courses is both scheduled and available upon request.  Students are counselled in planning for careers or entry into post-secondary institutions.  Individual counselling services are available for those students encountering personal problems. The guidance department works in co-operation with other community support groups to provide additional services for students. Students who are considering withdrawing from school are asked to meet with a guidance counsellor.  The student will be made aware of the options available including staying in school, changing programs, enrolling in a program outside of school and the availability of work.
St. Stephen High School, in partnership with Regional Health Authority “A”, is pleased to offer a school based primary Health care setting.  In collaboration with the school Student Services Team, health care providers offer an opportunity within the facility to access a comprehensive health and wellness program for the entire school.
The school physical education facilities include outdoor basketball and tennis courts, softball diamonds and playing fields for rugby, soccer, and track.  Indoor activities take place in the main gymnasium and weight room.  While using these facilities, students are expected to follow the guidelines of sportsmanship and to abide by specific rules which are posted in the areas.
The library is designed for research or quiet study between the hours of ll:40 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Books and materials must be signed out properly and returned within the time limit.  Students who fail to follow procedure will be subject to fine or loss of library privileges.  Food & drinks are not allowed in the library.
The St. Stephen High School colours are Green and White.
     SCHOOL LOGO           
St. Stephen High School Spartans
A number of computers are available for student use in the Technology Centre, Resource Centres, Business Education Labs, and in classrooms.  Permission must be received from supervising staff before students log on to any systems.  Except in special circumstances, these systems are not to be used for games or chat lines. E-MAIL software that includes graphics is not allowed. Any student using the Internet will be assigned a password and is responsible for any damage or inappropriate behavior resulting from the use of his/her password.  Students who provide unauthorized individuals with their passwords may lose their computer privileges.  When in doubt, ask your teacher.
Students at St. Stephen High School are required to dress neatly and cleanly during school hours and at all school events and/or school sponsored activities.  Students dress or grooming which is disturbing, distracting and detracts from a positive learning environment will be deemed inappropriate. Below are some guidelines:
-          skirts, skorts & shorts must extend below finger tips when students arm is extended down at side
-          all pants must be worn at waist height to avoid displaying any undergarments
-          see-through clothing is inappropriate
-          head coverings, including hats, scarves, sweatbands or visors are to be removed immediately upon entering the building
-          shirts or tops that expose shoulders, backs, chest and /or midriff areas are inappropriate
-          any clothing that advertises promotes or glamorizes substances such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, inappropriate language, portraying vulgar or offensive images, etc. may not be worn.
-          outside clothing i.e. parkas, jackets, etc. are not to be worn in class
The aim of this policy is to foster a responsible and respectful attitude toward appropriate dress.  The administration of St. Stephen High School reserves the right to modify and interpret this policy as deemed necessary to determine disruptive and unsafe attire.
The use or possession of drugs or alcohol while on the property of St. Stephen High School, and while attending or participating in school-sponsored activities is forbidden and will result in a suspension from school.  When students are in violation of this policy, the R.C.M.P. will be notified.
Each student is assigned a locker and is responsible for the proper care of the locker, which includes keeping the locker clean and free of litter and reporting any vandalism.  There will be a charge of seven dollars for the replacement of a lock and a one dollar charge for the exchange of locks.  Lockers are subject to regular inspection by school authorities.  Students should not use any locker other than the one assigned to them, and only school-assigned locks shall be used on the lockers.  All materials must be removed from lockers before the last school day before Christmas Break and before the last day of June exams.  The school will not be responsible for items remaining in lockers after these dates.
The operation and parking of student vehicles on school property is a privilege extended to those who comply with school regulations regarding such use.  Any student who wishes to operate and park a vehicle on school property must register each vehicle with the office and receive a parking sticker and a copy of the regulations.  Any student who parks a vehicle outside of the designated student parking lot may lose this privilege.  Students are not permitted to loiter in the student parking area.
To promote the health and well-being of our students, St. Stephen High School is a tobacco-free campus. The schools and District Office of Anglophone South shall be smoke-free. There is NO SMOKING or CHEWING tobacco on school grounds.
The fee structure at S.S.H.S. includes the following:
a)       General Student Fee - A thirty dollar ($30.00) general student fee will be collected at the beginning of the year from all students.  These fees are used by the school and student government to help finance extra-curricular activities such as athletics, social clubs, drama, spring fling, etc.  The fee also covers the cost of the student’s lock, locker maintenance, student handbook, parking sticker, basic student I.D. card, and exam booklets.  Fees may be paid by cash or cheque payable to St. Stephen High School.  [NOTE:  A special rate is available for families who have more than one student at S.S.H.S.]
b)       Activity Fee - An additional activity registration fee will be levied for all extra-curricular activities.  Each activity fee will be pro-rated based upon the student council budget for the year.
c)       Graduation Fee - A graduation fee of $40.00/student will be collected to assist fund raising efforts by the graduating class.  This fee will be used as a credit for graduates who take part in fund raisers.
d)       Course Fees (where applicable) - These fees pertain only in special situations, e.g., French workbooks, technology equipment, etc.
The two pay telephones are available for student use during non-class time.  Cell phones are to be turned off and kept in book bags or purses during instructional time.  Under no circumstances are cell phones to be used for non-instructional use during class time.  Office telephones are to be used only in case of emergency.  Students are regretfully advised that telephone messages from anyone other than parents/guardians cannot be given high priority in the daily operations by the main office staff.
Textbooks will be issued to each student by the subject teacher as required for each course.  Each student is responsible for the care and return of textbooks upon completion of the course.  Students who lose or damage texts will be billed for replacement or repairs.
Visitors to the school are required, on each occasion, to register with the reception desk or main office upon entry to the premises.  Loitering on the premises is prohibited.  Students are not to take visitors, including children, to class unless they have the permission of the administration at least one day in advance.
Students are to maintain a high standard of conduct while attending St. Stephen High School.  While on the premises, students are encouraged to socialize but their behavior should not interfere with the educational activities of others.
Please remember that:
1.       You are asked to co-operate with all school personnel in a polite and mature manner. 
2.       You must do all work assigned.  All work will be done in an acceptable manner or redone until it meets minimum standards.
3.       You are not to damage any school property.  Anyone who does this will have to pay for the damages and may be subject to charges as per the criminal code.
4.       Fighting and profanity are not acceptable conduct in our school.
5.       You are expected to bring required texts and material to class.
6.       Inappropriate displays of affection or loud boisterous behaviour are not acceptable conduct in our school.
7.       Loitering is not allowed in stairways, entrances  and washrooms.
8.       The third floor and other specified areas of the building are closed at noon.
Careful observance of these behavior guidelines will promote a positive learning environment and contribute to your overall school experience.
The administration at S.S.H.S strongly believes that all students have a right to attend school without being afraid or intimidated.  Harassment of any type, such as sexual, verbal, or physical, is viewed as a very serious matter.  Incidents of harassment will be dealt with in a firm manner by the administration and may involve local law enforcement agencies.
We believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally, feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of colour, race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, popularity, abilities, intelligence, religion and nationality.
Physical confrontations or fighting is not tolerated at St. Stephen High School.  Any student(s) who through these actions take away from the academic tone of the school will be suspended from school for up to five days and have the incident referred to the R.C.M.P.
The suspension/detention of a student may be of the following form:
1.       In-School Suspension - Student is segregated from the mainstream of the student body.  The student works on assignments with the guidance of a substitute teacher or in-school suspension teacher.
2.       Saturday Detention - Students who are assigned a Saturday detention will spend 5-1/2 hours in school on the assigned Saturday.  The detention is supervised by a member of the regular teaching staff.  Students are expected to work on regular assignments.
3.       Out of School Suspension - Out of school suspensions may range from one to five days.
4.       Noon/After School Detention - Student is assigned for 25 min. to a supervised study area.
St. Stephen High School Plagiarism Policy
The teachers and administration of St. Stephen High School believe in the quality of “academic integrity”.  We want our students to take pride in their work and put forward the best effort possible!  To ensure that this happens we want students to avoid the problem of plagiarism.
Plagiarism occurs when a student becomes academically dishonest, by using another person’s work or ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the information.  It can occur if students:
ü  Copy word for word, in whole or in part, from any outside source without proper acknowledgement.  (Examples of outside sources include the internet, reference books from a library, encyclopedias, magazines or journals,
newspapers, etc.)
ü  Paraphrase ideas from any outside source without proper acknowledgement.
ü  Submit, in whole or in part, a paper written by another student or for another course.
ü  Allow an essay or assignment to be copied by another student.  (The student who allows their work to be copied will receive an automatic 50% reduction of their mark on first offence and have the other penalties applied on further offences.)
The teachers in your courses will provide proper methods for using and documenting outside information.  St. Stephen High School will follow the APA Format, which is used by most post secondary institutions in Canada.  Additional assistance is also available from any of your regular classroom teachers, at any time.
Penalties for plagiarism are as follows:
                l First OffenceAn automatic 50% reduction in the value of
     the assignment, essay, or report with the student required to
     redo the assigned work.
l Second OffenceZero on the paper.
l Third OffenceZero in the course!
Note: All incidents of plagiarism will be recorded and placed in the students’ permanent cumulative file!
A long sounding tone indicates a fire drill.
1.       During the fire drill students are to walk to the exits as directed by the teachers.
2.       No talking during the drill.
3.       Teachers are responsible to see that all windows and classroom doors are closed and lights off.
4.       Students are to move at least one hundred feet away from the building.
5.       All persons are to leave the building.
6.       Teachers are to have with them their subject attendance sheets.
7.       At the completion of the drill a bell will sound three times indicating that the students are to return to their classes.
An emergency may prevent the safe evacuation of the school building and require steps to isolate students and staff from danger by instituting a school lockdown.
As per provincial policy a lockdown practice shall take place each school year.
1.       Be on time and never stand in the street or highway while waiting for the school bus.
2.       Be absolutely quiet while the bus is approaching and crossing a railway.
3.       Pupils shall be picked up and discharged only at bus stops approved by the School District.
4.       Obey the driver promptly and avoid any unnecessary conversation with him/her while the bus is in motion.
5.       Do not cross the road behind the bus.  Crossings are to be made in front of the bus, not nearer than 10 feet and only after looking in both directions.
6.       Occupy seats assigned by the driver or other school officials.
7.       Obtain approval of the driver to open the Emergency Door or bus windows.  Do not throw anything out of the windows or extend hands, arms or legs through openings.
8.       Do not throw refuse on floor of bus and help the driver to keep the bus sanitary.
9.       Eating or drinking is not permitted on a school bus.
10.    The use of tobacco in any form is not permitted on the bus.
11.    Be courteous to the driver and fellow passengers.  Rough or boisterous conduct will not be permitted.
12.    In case of any road emergency, remain seated in the bus until ordered to vacate.
13.    Willful damage to the bus must be paid for by the offender.
14.    Transportation to school by bus is a privilege, not a right.  Any violation of the above rules may result in disciplinary action by the school officials and possible loss of transportation privileges.  A parent/guardian of a student suspended from being transported by bus is responsible for the conveyance of the student to school during the period of suspension.
Department of Education
Province of New Brunswick


Girls Softball............................................................................... Mr. M. Gullison
Varsity Girls Soccer................................................................. Ms. C. Nordstrom
Varsity Boys Soccer...................................................................... Mr. D. Higgins
J.V. Boys Soccer………………………………...…………………………..TBA
J.V. Girls Soccer…………………………………………………………….TBA
Football…………………………………………………………….Mr. N. Grant
Boys Baseball………………………………………………….Mr. N. Nozzolillo
Golf........................................................................................Mr. J. Haley
Varsity Girls Basketball.................................................................. .Mr. D. Taylor
J.V. Girls Basketball……………………………………………..Mr. D. Higgins
Varsity Boys Basketball............................................................... Mr. S. Atkinson
J.V. Boys Basketball.............................................................   Mr. M. Gullison
Hockey……………………………………………………………  Mr. A. Harris
Girl’s Hockey…….……………………………….……………….Mr. B. Coates
Wrestling...................................................................................... Mr. P. Zwicker
Curling….……………………………………………………….Mr. M. Gullison
Boys Rugby…………………………………………………………………TBA
Girls Rugby ………………….... Mr. B. Coates//Ms. C. Nordstrom/Mr. J. Sode
Varsity Girls Volleyball................................................................................. TBA
J.V. Girls Volleyball…………………………...............................................TBA
J.V. Boys Volleyball……………………………………………...Mr. D. Somers
Varsity Boys Volleyball………………………………………….Mr. T. Worrell
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR/Director Male Athletics………………Mr. P. Zwicker
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR/ Director Female Athletics...................... Mr. D. Taylor
Drama…………Ms. M. Anderson/ Mr. W. Casey/Mr. N. Grant/Mrs. E. Somers
Band and Choir......................................................................... Ms. M. Anderson
SRC………………………………………………………………..Mrs. C. Parks
Art Club………………………………………………………Ms. T. MacKnight
Yearbook................................................................................... Ms. K. McKnight
Tech.............................................................................................. Mrs. E. Somers
Math Club................................................................................. Ms. C. Nordstrom
Anti-Harassment............................................................................... Mrs. J. Grant
Gay Straight Alliance.................................................................... Mrs. S. DeJong
Key Club………………………………………………………Ms. M. Anderson
Y.E.E.S. Science Enrichment……………..…Mrs. S. DeJong / Ms .Kim Reader
Running Club ………………………………………………….…Mr. K. Young
Renaissance Group ……………….Mrs. J. Grant / Mrs. K Amos / Mr. A. Harris