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April 28
H.E.S Hawk Squawk May 1-5, 2017

82 School St, Hampton, N.B. E5N 6B2
Telephone: 832-6021
Principal: Mrs. S Blanchard                                                               Vice Principal: Mrs. J. Stewart
H.E.S. Hawk Squawk - Friday, April 28th, 2017


May is Mental Health & Food Allergy Awareness Month
Mon. May 1
Tues. May 2
Weds. May 3
Thurs. May 4
Fri. May 5
7:50-8:15 Open Library
(open to all)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 5)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 4)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 3)
Prov. Council Day – No School for Students
2PM Jump Rope Assembly
1PM Kid Sing Performance
2:45-3:45 Mad Science 4
2:45-3:45 Coding for Kids 5
6:30PM It Takes A Village Parent Session – SJ
This is a message from Mrs. Blanchard, Principal at Hampton Elementary School. Here is your weekly edition of the HES Hawk Squawk. Our word of the week was zealous which means one is passionate and enthusiastic. Our NBCC intern Mr. Shane Ho has been a great addition to our school. Mr. Ho is working with Mrs. Madden for 5 more weeks. We also were fortunate to host three UNBSJ Education students who spent the week in Mrs. Salgado, Mr. Raymond and Mme. Vallis’ classrooms.
In addition to May being recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, it is also Food Allergy Awareness Month in Canada with May 6-13th being designated Food Allergy Awareness Week in our community. We will be encouraging students and staff to wear purple on May 10th in support of raising awareness for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis. This year our school was selected to receive a publically available epinephrine auto-injector wall cabinet containing two epi-pens (one junior and one regular) which is accessible to our students as well as by the many community groups who use our school.
Jump Rope for Heart kicks off on Tuesday with a representative from the heart and stroke foundation visiting to talk to students about Heart Health.
Kid Sing will be visiting for a short performance on Thursday promoting their positive messages for students to be proud of who they are and share their gifts and talents with one another.
IT TAKES A VILLAGE PD EVENT: On Thursday, May 4th the PSSCs of the four high schools will host their third and final It Takes A Village to Raise A Teen parent session for the year at Harbour View High.  Dr. Daniel Chorney who will provide an informative session on anxiety and parenting strategies
Afterschool Activities this week: Wednesday – Mad Science Wk 4, Thursday – Coding Wk 5, and no Robotics this week (next one is May 12th)
Friday, May 5th is a Provincial Subject Council Day so there is no school for students.
Our weekly Hawk Squawk is always posted on our school website under the Synrevoice tab!
Have a great weekend!
Sarah Blanchard
Hampton Elementary School
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 Welcome to Doodle 4 Google Canada!
Doodle 4 Google Canada is a national contest inviting students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to redesign the logo for the homepage for a day.*
As Canada blows out a whole lot of candles for its 150th birthday this year, what better way to celebrate than by asking students to imagine what the next 150 years will look like? Google believes our youth hold the key to a bright future for Canada, and can't wait to see what their optimism, creativity and imagination give rise to.
The winning doodle will be featured on the Google Canada homepage for 24 hours. The winning student will also receive a $10,000 university scholarship, a Google Chromebook, and a $10,000 technology award for their current school along with a trip to the final event on June 13, 2017


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