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June 16
H.E.S Hawk Squawk June 19-23, 2017

82 School St, Hampton, N.B. E5N 6B2
Telephone: 832-6021
Principal: Mrs. S Blanchard                                                            Vice Principal: Mrs. J. Stewart
H.E.S. Hawk Squawk - Friday, June 16th, 2017


Saturday, June 17th: TOMORROW!!!
Rain Location: Hampton Community Centre
Mon. June 19
Tues. June 20
Weds. June 21
Thurs. June 22
Fri. June 23
7:50-8:15 Open Library
(for all students)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 5)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 4)
7:50-8:15 Open Gym
(Gr. 3)
Last day of school – ½ day for students
10:30AM Art Mural Official Unveiling
11:45 Bus Dismissal
4Power & 4 Golding Ball Game
9am Gr 5 Bike Rally & 11:45 Swimming
1PM Gr 4 swimming
Choir Practice
9-1PM Track and Field Meet Sussex (select gr 5)
8:45AM Gr 5 Field Trip
8:45 gr 3 Swimming
1PM Gr 4 swimming
9AM Moving Up Ceremony
Gr 4 Field Trips
1PM Gr 5 swimming
6:30PM PSSC Meeting
*Robotics After School*  (#9 out of 9)
This is a message from Mrs. Blanchard, Principal at Hampton Elementary School. Here is your weekly edition of the HES Hawk Squawk. Our word of the week was surcease meaning to stop or halt! Tomorrow is the much anticipated Big Fair Day. This is a great event and our Home and School volunteers have worked very hard preparing a day of fun. Due to the forecast, the event will be held indoors at the Hampton Community Centre. BIG FAIR DAY is our biggest fundraiser of the school year! There will be a ticket booth selling punch cards at the entrance ($10 for 10 punches). A reminder that socks are required for some of the special attractions. There will also be games where students can earn “Hawk Bucks” which can then be redeemed at the prize table. The event runs from 10-2PM and we will have a BBQ as well as a raffle (located inside the front doors).
This coming week is a very busy week. I have listed as many events as possible at the top of the email in our weekly schedule. I hope I haven’t missed anything. When using sunscreen, we recommend application at home as we are a scent free environment.
PSSC Meeting: Monday is the final meeting of the 2017-2018 school year. We will be reviewing the year end survey results.
FRIDAY DISMISSAL: On Friday, students will be dismissed at 11:30 with buses leaving shortly after that time. Buses that do have two runs K-2 and 3-5 will, when possible, take all the students at once except Bus 710 (Zelda’s bus) who will return at 12 to pick up HES students and do her second run.
Grade 5 Bike Rally is Monday: Bike Rally Drop off is 3-5PM on Sunday for those parents who want to drop off their childrens’ biked for the rally. Parents can come up to the front of the school and Mr. Raymond will be accepting the bikes to store overnight in the gym.
MILK AND HOT LUNCH: Today was the final day for milk and hot lunch. Please remember to pack lunches next week.
TRACK AND FIELD: Students participating in Track and Field events must have their permission slips in by Monday.
Afterschool Activities this week: FINAL Robotics After School will be on Wednesday
BROCHURE: Please find attached a PDF version of a parent brochure that will be included in the report card envelope. IT contains important information on changes to the New Brunswick Provincial K-8 report card.
School Calendar for next year is now available on the Anglophone South District website and is attached to this email for planning purposes.
School Fees 2017-2018
3-5 English and French Immersion
Parents provided feedback through a school wide survey two years ago that they would prefer an all-inclusive student fee that included school supplies. The one-time fee of $60 per child covers the cost of all school supplies, three school performances (minimum), ten skating sessions at the Hampton Community Centre and a student agenda. Families are only required to provide the following:
•2 boxes of tissue
•1 set of inexpensive ear buds/ ear phones (ear phones preferred)
•Indoor sneakers
•1 backpack
•1 lunch bag
Our weekly Hawk Squawk is always posted on our school website under the Synrevoice tab!
Have a great weekend!
Sarah Blanchard
Hampton Elementary School
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Hampton Elementary School Home and School
What’s happening in the Community?
Carson is going to Akron, Ohio!!!
On Saturday, May 27th, Carson Hoyt, age 11, of Hampton, NB, placed first in his division in the Saint John Soap Box Derby. With the help of his pit crew (his Father, Greg, his brother, Devin, and his Cousin, Katie), Carson won a medal and a trophy. He also won a cash prize and has been invited to attend the All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship in Akron, Ohio. This event will take place July 16 - 22, 2017.
This will be a wonderful experience for Carson and his family (who will be attending as his "pit crew"). But this experience comes at quite a cost. Travel expenses, hotels and meals for a week quickly adds up.
We are asking for our great community to rally together and to make this happen for Carson. We are looking for business sponsors. We cannot put your name on the car itself as there are specific guidelines about what can and cannot be placed on the car. However, we will make sure your business is thanked publically and on this Facebook page. We are having team t-shirts made and the pit crew will proudly display your name all week during the races on these t-shirts. According to the Soap Box Derby regulations, the driver has to wear a specific race shirt, but the pit crew will be sporting your company's name.
If you are an individual who would like to sponsor Carson, please contact us using the information below. We will be sure that individuals are thanked publically as well.


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