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June 05
Celebrating in ASD-S - May

Scroll Down to see just some of the fun, positive news from the past month..​.


The St. Malachy’s Cyber Titan team represented ASD-S at the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) National Finals. They were 1 of 10 teams who earned this honour! The team faced off against others from across Canada and defended their systems against cyber industry experts. There also visited some technology companies and toured the national capital region. Congratulations to the STM Cyber Titan team, who placed fifth in Canada at the Cyber Titan 2019 national finals!


Belleisle Regional High School, with Athletic Director Kim Giddens, had 7 students attended the Special Olympics Unified 3 on 3 Basketball Championships in Fredericton. 

The Belleisle Bears team won the Bronze medal in their division!


Belleisle Regional High School Grade 10 student Victoria Hebert created the winning UCT (United Commercial Travelers) safety poster for high schools in ASD-S.  Her poster is now off to Atlantics to compete for the east coast awards.



Congratulations to Abby Snodgrass from St. Malachys Memorial High School who won a Senior Excellence Award at the Canada Wide Science Fair for her project “Interoceptive Awareness and the Novel Use of VR with Arduino Based Sensors.”


Hazen White/St. Francis school recently completed a project in conjunction with the Artist in Residency Grant and artist Sheryl Crowley. Students, in particular the Kindergarten class, were given the opportunity to explain through art what it means to be a community. The students created a large mural for the entrance of the school.


May8.pngTen students from Fundy, Sir James Dunn Academy and St. Stephen High School travelled to Halifax for the 25th Skills Canada Competition. More than 550 competitors from all regions in Canada participated in over 40 skilled trade and technology competitions. Teacher Marla Anderson from SSHS and VP Audrey Norman from SJDA are pictured with the kids. Shout out to Carstar in St. Stephen for their support of this trip.

Congratulations also to all the students form ASD-s who participated at the National Skills Competition in Halifax.  We wish to congratulate Sydney Irvin from Saint John High School on receiving a Gold medal in the Cooking/Cusine competition.  Sydney competed against students from across Canada and placed first. Congratulations!​

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Three Kennebecasis Valley High School Science teachers, Colleen Logan, Amy Peters and Maura Tait, have each been awarded a APEGNB Inspirational STEM award this school year. The Association of professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick recognized teachers whose innovative teaching skills and personal commitment have made learning STEM subjects fun and inspiring to students. Congratulations!​