FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > This Week in Kindergarten: October 11th- October 14th
October 10
This Week in Kindergarten: October 11th- October 14th

This Week in Kindergarten: October 11-14

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Oct. 11 - 14 - Safe Schools Week
Oct. 11 - Home and School Fundraiser due
Oct. 13 - Terry Fox Run at school (bring in $1.00)
Oct. 14 - Apple Picking at Everett’s
Oct. 17 - Picture Day!
Oct. 21 - Family Fun Night
Home Learning
Look for our “Home Learning” duotangs coming home on Tuesday.  Each duotang is individualized depending on student needs.  You may find...
  • Name printing practice sheet
  • ABC Boom printing practice
  • “I Am Me” poem and activity
Please do a little bit each night and return by Friday.
Take Home Books: New take home books will come home on Tuesday.  Please return them by Friday.
Jolly Phonics: We have learned and will review S, A, T, I., P, N, C, K.  We will learn E and H this week.
ABC Boom: We say the following sounds as we make the strokes.
  • Plop: Most letters "start in the sky and drop down to the ground”. We use tall plops to form upper case letters and lower case letters like Tt, Ll, and Hh. We use short plops to make lower case letters like m, n, and r.
  • Vroom: This is the horizontal stroke that goes from left to right. We use it to start lower case e and we also use it in upper case letters such as T, E, F, A, Z, and H.
  • Boing: This is a curved stroke that reminds us of a hop. We use it to create the curve in letters such as h, m, and n.
  • Blowing Sound: This stroke makes a circle.  We imagine blowing a pinwheel as it goes around in a circle.  We use it to make Oo and Q
  • Splash: We picture a fish or a dolphin splashing in the water to make a U shape.  We find this stroke in U, u, q
  • Prrrshhh: We think about a rocket taking off.  We start from the bottom and go straight up.  We find it in a, d, g, q, N
  • Shlang: We think about the helmet of an astronaut closing.  We find it in P, p, b, B, D, R
  • We will be looking at student samples of writing and decide what qualities they have that make them a good piece of writing.  We will order the stories from 1 - 4; least to most details.  This scale reflects our report card marking and will use this as a rubric to help us self-assess our own writing.
Math: Numbers to 5
  • We are continuing to review numbers to 5
  • We are practicing using the 5 frame, filling it with counters, and using it to help us count to 5.
  • We are practicing our subitizing skills: recognizing arrangements of dots without having to count them each time.
  • Home Practice:
    • Practice counting forward and backward from to and from 5 orally
      • Need an extra challenge? Try counting forward and backward from 1 to 10. Try different starting points! For example, count backward from 8 to 3.
    • Practice counting objects at home and saying how many there are all together.  
    • When playing games with dice, practice recognizing the dots without having to count them.


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