FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > This week in Kindergarten: November 14-18
November 16
This week in Kindergarten: November 14-18

This Week in Kindergarten: November 14-18

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Nov. 21st - Report cards go home

Nov. 24th -  Parent Teacher Interviews 4:30 - 7:30

Nov. 25th - Parent Teacher Interviews 8:30 - 11:30am

This Week:


Parent/Teacher Interviews

  • Interview times will be sent home this week.  I will try my best to accommodate everyone’s schedule!
  • Let me know if your child has a sibling at the school and I will work with their teacher to ensure interview times are as close as possible.
  • Your interview time will be sent home with your child’s report card.
  • I look forward to meeting with you!


Show What You Know Duotangs

  • These will come home on Tuesday.  Please review the new content.


Food Drive:

  • We are continuing to collect food for the Fredericton Community Kitchen. Our target is to collect 50 pounds of food from the list found on the main website. If possible, please donate to this great cause!  


Take Home Books: New take home books will come home on Monday.  Please return them by Thursday.  Remember to read them each night.


Home Learning: Home Learning duotangs were sent home on Monday. Please return them on Friday.


Jolly Phonics: We have learned and will review S, A, T, I., P, N, C, K, E, H, R, M, D, G, O, U, and L.  We will learn F and B this week.


ABC Boom: We say the following sounds as we make the strokes.

  • Plop: Most letters "start in the sky and drop down to the ground”. We use tall plops to form upper case letters and lower case letters like Tt, Ll, and Hh. We use short plops to make lower case letters like m, n, and r.
  • Vroom: This is the horizontal stroke that goes from left to right. We use it to start lower case e and we also use it in upper case letters such as T, E, F, A, Z, and H.
  • Boing: This is a curved stroke that reminds us of a hop. We use it to create the curve in letters such as h, m, and n.
  • Blowing Sound: This stroke makes a circle.  We imagine blowing a pinwheel as it goes around in a circle.  We use it to make Oo and Q
  • Splash: We picture a fish or a dolphin splashing in the water to make a U shape.  We find this stroke in U, u, q
  • Prrrshhh: We think about a rocket taking off.  We start from the bottom and go straight up.  We find it in a, d, g, q, N
  • Shlang: We think about the helmet of an astronaut closing.  We find it in P, p, b, B, D, R
  • Beep, Beep: We think about a truck backing up.  This is the opposite of vroom.  We find it in G, and we can also use it instead of vroom for the tops of F and E.
  • YOOP: We think of a worm going into the ground. We find YOOP in  J, j, g


Sight Words: me, I, it, like, the, is, in



  • We have chosen new writing goals based on our last 2 independent writing pieces.  We will work toward these goals for the next few weeks.
  • We are learning how to use a new writing tool called an “alphabet sound card”.  We will use it to help us sound out unknown words.
  • We will begin to learn how to write a sentence using sight words we know (ex. “I like…”)



  • We are beginning a new unit on patterns
  • This week we will focus on pre-assessing students to see what they know
  • We will focus determining what makes two objects the same or different and learning about attributes (color, size, shape, etc)
  • We will learn how to sort objects based on a single attribute
  • Practice at home: Have your child sort their toys based on color, size, or shape.



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