FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > This week in 1FI Frenette!
November 14
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Here are a few reminders for 1 FI Frenette,

Today (Tuesday) we had a guest as part of our You and Your World Unit. My good friend and the mother of one of my past students, Mrs. Sunny Hwang came in to teach us a bit about her culture and where she is from (Korea!) We completed a beautiful pre-Christmas origami craft (picture to be on See-Saw soon.) The children loved having her come in and were very respectful and kind to our guest as she shared her information and talents with us! (And she even learned a few French words from the students!)

Parent teacher forms were sent home today. Please fill them in with your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices and I will attempt to be as accommodating as possible.

If anyone has the mini-bulletin questions sheet I sent home a few weeks ago, please sign and return it as soon as possible.

The second round of study words will be sent home tomorrow. A video of how to pronounce them will also be uploaded to See-Saw. (The first group will get semaine 2 and the second group will get semaine 1.) Please have students bring these back by next Wednesday J

On Thursday, there will be Zumba in the gym during lunch recess. It will cost a toonie if your child wishes to participate.

In French we finished up our animals unit. Thank you to those who shared your family pet pictures! We also spent last week working on learning the vocabulary for Remembrance Day. What a wonderful job the class did using their new vocabulary in class discussions! Bravo! We are working on describing our friends and our sentiments for the rest of the month.

In math we are continuing to work on skip counting by 2s, and 5s. We will be also working on skip counting by 10s as we do in the mornings.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

As always, have a great week!

Mme Frenette​


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