FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > Ideas for home
May 07
Ideas for home

Good evening parents,



I hope you are all doing well. We are into week 2 of this devastating flood.  We are still unsure of how much longer we will be out. They will continue to make the decision day by day about when our school can open. The water is remaining high which is still affecting the toilets.


I'm sure you must be concerned about the instructional time missed over the past week.  We have put together a list of things you can do to help support kindergarten learning at home during this time.



~ Reading: Read books from your home library, or visit the library at the Nasis Middle School


~ Sight Words: Make flashcards to practice or play a memory game. Have your child write their words on a window or a table using window writers (they wash right off!), use side walk chalk to write your words on the sidewalk, Make a giant hop scotch board and write a word in each square.  Say the word as you jump on that square.


~ Writing: help write the grocery list, journal writing – write a sentence about something happening in your life, write a letter to someone special and mail it, write a list of possible adventures/road trips/camping trips for the summer, write your own story (a sentence on each page)


~ Math: Talk about combining objects with your child.  If I had 2 cookies and you had 2 cookies – how many do we have altogether?  Have your child help set the table – how many of each place setting will they need.  Go on a shape walk in the neighbourhood – what shapes can you see.  (Roof of a building looks like a triangle, sidewalk has squares on it, etc.


~ Play a board game/card game or invent a game together

~ Do some Acts of Kindness (clean up garbage, bring someone a nice warm coffee or treat, 



Starfall  http://www.starfall.com


Tumble Books - Login: barkerspoint   Password: Books



Jolly Phonics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_SgBY_nx70&t=28s


Balloon Pop https://www.education.com/game/beginning-sounds-balloon-pop/


Ideas you can try at home for math: https://www.kindergartenworks.com/guided-math/dimensional/

Counting to 10 game: http://www.abcya.com/kindergarten_counting.htm


Patterns: https://ca.ixl.com/math/kindergarten/find-the-next-shape-in-a-pattern


One More: https://ca.ixl.com/math/kindergarten/one-more-up-to-10


One Less: https://ca.ixl.com/math/kindergarten/one-less-up-to-10


Missing Number: https://ca.ixl.com/math/kindergarten/number-lines-up-to-10



Least & Greatest Balloon Pop: http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4707








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