FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 8E exam moved to Thursday January 25 and things that are NOT part of the multiple choice part of the exam (CAN BE A BONUS THOUGH!)
January 22
8E exam moved to Thursday January 25 and things that are NOT part of the multiple choice part of the exam (CAN BE A BONUS THOUGH!)

After speaking with the students today and possibility of weather this week, we thought we would err on the side of caution and make sure that they have a chance to ask me some questions prior to the exam.  The final date for 8E is Thursday January 25 during both periods that day.  Remember, the first Math period will be the first part of the test that will cover that period only.  You may not go back and correct things from the first section during the second period as you will write the second part of the exam.  I will collect your information/cheat sheet after you have written the first section and return it to you when you write the second part the following period.


Things that will NOT be a part of this exam:

  • la factorisation des nombres premiers
  • la probabilité
  • les triangles ou les racines carrées (eventhough these appear on a review sheet under my documents, they are not part of this exam)

FYI- I can ask you questions on the above topics for a bonus question.  I will be looking for your insight and your ability to make an estimation.  After all, any topics touched on this year are fair game for a bonus!



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