FEC Connaught Street > School News > Posts > Important Message from our Principal, Ms. Corbett
October 25
Important Message from our Principal, Ms. Corbett
Dear CSS Parents/Guardians:
This morning at approximately 8:20 am, the Fredericton Fire Department, through Platoon Chief McMurtrie, informed me that there had been a gas leak on Connaught Street as a result of construction.  His first directives were for the school to shut all windows, close doors, shut down our ventilation system and allow entrance and exit only with the permission of the Fire Department and Fredericton Police authorities.  Some parents were at the school for morning drop off and remained on-site until the Fire Department gave them permission to leave safely. 
The school followed its procedures as per our Comprehensive School Safety Plan and communicated with both the authorities and our District leadership to ensure that the best interests of children and staff were paramount at all times.  Staff of the school responded as per our plan and cooperated with any directives throughout.  Administration communicated with staff directly throughout the morning and provided an initial email to parents.  We did vacate classrooms at the front of the school for a short time until it was determined that there was no eminent risk and were told by the Fire Department that they could return to their regular classroom.  Students remained inside for the morning recess as a precaution only.
While work continues in front of the school, there is a barricade at the base of both entrances to our school.  Parents may come to the building, however, will have to park outside the barrier and walk to the school grounds.
Students carried on with their regular routine throughout the morning aside from an indoor recess.  As students are most observant and were aware of the activity going on with the presence of Fire and Police personnel, we prepared a short statement to be shared with each class.  Students were complimented on their cooperation throughout. 
I would like to extend sincere thanks to our highly professional and dedicated staff for leading our students through this event so as to ensure their safety and comfort.
Ms. Barb Corbett


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