FEC Connaught Street > Teachers > Posts > Weekly Update October 24 - 28
October 23
Weekly Update October 24 - 28

Hopefully this update finds you well this week!  It was great to see so many families out at Spookarama on Saturday.  For your information we will be doing K-2 multiage Halloween activities on Wednesday October 26, 2016.  Your child will be in a group of K, grade 1 and grade 2 students and rotate through 4 different rooms.  They will be participating in a math room, literacy room, movement to music room and an art room.  Also, this Friday October 28th the Fredericton Fire Department will be coming to do a presentation on Fire Safety for K-2 students.  A busy week indeed!

This week's words of the week are:  I, not, have, his.  The sounds we are reviewing are ai, oa, ie.   We will also continue to work on various Halloween poems that are on our class website. 
In writing we are continuing to work on personal stories and recounts of events in our lives.  We will begin working with a five finger plan to help us plan our writing pieces.  We are also working on descriptive writing and describing a pumpkin that we created in art class.  This writing piece and art work will be coming home this week in the snapshot folder on Thursday.
In math this week we continue to work on numbers.  Students have been working on creating numbers using ten frames, as well as identifying the numbers that are the friends of ten (i.e. 5 and 5, 8 and 2).
In You and Your World students continue to work on fire safety and Habit #2 begin with the end in mind.


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