FEC Devon Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Week of Sep. 18 -- 8E: Sciences Humaines
September 17
Week of Sep. 18 -- 8E: Sciences Humaines

​Students have been contributing to discussions surrounding a Canadian historical timeline of events, people, items, etc. 

This past Friday students chose Canadian events, people, items, etc. to research in greater detail. 

Later this week students will make a short oral presentation to the class.  This week we will co-create the criteria for this project (i.e. how long, what should it include, look like, what will be evaluated, etc.)


  • Students should regularly bring creative items /tools to Sciences Humaines class E.g. colours, scissors, glue.
  • Should you have any old magazines or newspapers at home, our Sciences Humaines class could greatly benefit from having these items on hand for research purposes - merci!  

Mme Whalen


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