FEC Devon Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Parent-Teacher Communication
September 03
Parent-Teacher Communication

Welcome to Devon Middle School!

The Grade 6FI team is thrilled to being the 2016-17 school year! This year, our team will be using the REMIND service to enhance the communicate of homework, upcoming events, important items, etc. from school to home. Parents/guardians can choose to have REMIND notices sent straight to their phone or via email. This service has had very positive reviews from parents in previous years, so we have to decided to use this service in lieu of this DMS Website page

Please note: we believe it to be an essential skill for students to stay responsbile, organized and accountable. As such, they will also be required to write their homework in their homework log contained within their Communication Portfolio. This portfolio will also serve as a means to communicate from school to home, but will be manage by students.

Instructions to sign up for the Remind service are under 6 Immersion -> Documents. Instructions will also be sent home with students on the first day of school in their Communication Portfolios. 

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to the 2016-17 school year!


Amy Audoux, Leslie Fawcett, Nicole Cormier-Fontaine, Anthony Nolletti

Grade 6FI Team


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