FEC Gibson-Neill Memorial School > School News > Posts > GNMES - Kindergarten Orientation Presentation
June 03
GNMES - Kindergarten Orientation Presentation

Kindergarten orientation powerpoint June 2021.pptxKindergarten orientation powerpoint June 2021.pptx

Welcome to the GNMES Kindergarten Orientation - June 2021. While we are unable to have our Pre-K children and their families into our school, we still have important information to share before they begin school in September. Please go through the Power Point Presentation, and take the tour of the school (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=rmNR14zih7k&ab_channel=SethMurphy) to help prepare your child for their first day in September.


There will be a staggered entry and you will be notified the last week of June as to which day they will start after Labour Day (Sept. 6th). We look forward to having our newest coyotes join us in the new school year.


K Orientation pic.png


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