FEC Gibson-Neill Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly News-Oct. 31-Nov. 4
October 30
Weekly News-Oct. 31-Nov. 4

What we are learning:

This week we will be learning the letter and sounds for “Gg” and “Oo”. I will introduce the sight word “was” and review “a”.  In math, we will continue learning about Numbers to 5, with a focus on recognizing dot formations (e.g. on dice). In Writer’s Workshop, we are continuing to work on labeling our pictures by sounding out words.  Thank you to those who shared their “All About Me Bags”.  We had so much fun learning about our similarities and celebrating our differences.  We will continue to talk about Halloween safety.

 Information Items/Dates to Remember:

·       University of New Brunswick Student-Athletes will be coming to GNMES to read with our class on Wednesday.

·      Sign-up sheets for library cards were sent home last week.  We are dropping off the forms to the library on Wednesday. If you would like your child to have a library card, these forms need to be returned by Wednesday.

·      Picture retake day will be Friday, November 4thPlease email to confirm.

·       No school on November 11th: Remembrance Day

·       Report cards will be sent home on November 21st.  Parent-teacher interviews will be held on the evening of November 24th and the morning of November 25th. We are also offering Wednesday afternoon.  Sign-up sheets will be sent home soon.

·       November 25th – no school for students.







-Orange and Black Day

-Introduce “Gg”



-Reading with the Reds  

-Library Form  Due



-Introduce “Oo”

-Picture Retake Day



Halloween Candy

In an attempt to help us promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy food choices, please consider limiting the amount of Halloween treats that are packed for snacks/lunches over the next few weeks. 

Amanda Kilburn





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