FEC Gibson-Neill Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly News November 28th
November 28
Weekly News November 28th

What we are learning:

This week we will be introducing the letter sounds for “Vv” and “Ww”. We will introduce the sight words “with” and “and”.  In math, we will continue learning about Numbers to 5, with a focus on breaking numbers into 2 parts and what comes before and after a number. In Writer’s Workshop, we are working on labeling our pictures by sounding out (stretching) words and we are beginning to write sentences. For You and Your World, we will continue to discuss the Zones of Regulation and strategies to help us self-regulate.  

Information Items/Dates to Remember:

·         Please return your report card envelope if you have not already done so.

·         We will be going to the Fredericton Public Library on Tuesday, November 29th.

·         GNMES Christmas Tree Lighting: December 1st at 6:30.

·         K-2 Christmas Concert: December 12th (last names A-K), December 13th (last name L-Z) at 9:15 am. Non-perishable food donation will be accepted at the door for the Fredericton Food Bank.

·         Last day for students: December 23rd (Exact dismissal time TBD)


*CALLING ALL MYSTERY READERS! We’re hoping to have some parents come to our class and share their favorite holiday book-I have some here if you need one. It would be a surprise-the children would not know about it until you arrived! Can you email us if you’re able to come in and read? This invitation is extended to all parents/guardians/grandparents until we leave for the Christmas break. The ideal time of day would be at 1:30, but we can make other arrangements if necessary.







-Introduce “Vv”


-Library Field Trip

-Introduce letter “Ww”


-“Give Me 5” math activity to be sent home (return on Monday)




·         Practice letters, sounds and sight words

·         “Give Me 5” math activity


Amanda Kilburn




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