FEC Gibson-Neill Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > Grade 3 Weekly News - September 11-15, 2017
September 10
Grade 3 Weekly News - September 11-15, 2017

Monday, September 11th, 2017
Dear Families,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for another great week in grade three! The children are settling in nicely to our classroom routines that will guide us through the school year.  I am very proud of the effort they have put forth so far!  Information about Class Dojo and Xtra Math was sent home last week.  Please sign up as soon as possible!  Thank you for all your support!
What we are learning:
In Balanced Literacy we will continue to work on building our routines for Literacy, which includes 3 ways to read a book, independently choosing good-fit books and building stamina to read independently.
In Math, we will continue working on a unit on patterns. This includes identifying, extending, creating patterns, and describing pattern rules.  Flexible math groups will be starting soon.
In Science, we are working on scientific inquiry – a way of learning about the natural world.
In Social Studies, we are learning about the Province of New Brunswick.
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·        Cafeteria and milk orders begin on Monday, September 11.  Popcorn orders will be taken on Tuesday and Thursday each week ($2.00/bag). 
·        Our Open House and Corn Boil will be held on Tuesday, September 12th from 5:00 to 6:30.
·        On Thursday, September 14th we will be having a presentation for students on behalf of the Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival by musician Rick Fines. 
·        It is very important that you label your child’s jackets, sweaters, coats, shoes, backpack, etc… to help us get lost items of clothing to their rightful owners!  A lost and found box has been set up on the dance floor, so you can check there if your child has lost something.
·        Please be sure to send in a spoon or fork if your child needs one.
·        Just a reminder that the student fee of $45.00 is needed as soon as possible. Also, please send in two boxes of Kleenex.  Thank you!
·        Tuesday, September 26, Professional Learning Day for Teachers.  Early Dismissal at 11:00 am for students.
·        Each week, your child will be bringing home books at his/her independent reading level (good fit books). I used your child’s end of grade two reading level as a starting point and I will be up dating levels as I regularly re-assess your child’s progress. Please make time each night to allow your child to read these to you.  An important component of strengthening your child’s reading skills is regular home reading practice.
·        For some fun math practice at home, look for patterns around your house and community with your child and continue to practice addition facts.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email.
            J Mr. Linder                       (506)453-5429                         gordon.linder@nbed.nb.ca


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