FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo-Monday, February 27th 2017
February 27
School Memo-Monday, February 27th 2017

Memo to Garden Creek Parents & Guardians

Monday, February 27th 2017 ​

Creeker Families, 

We have one week to the break... we are going to be having some fun WINTERLUDE activities for the students ( see the handout you were given) as well as continuing to learn lots in our classes. 

Items to note this week: 

Monday - Pajama Day and Crazy Hat Day :)  
      K-2s to the Playhouse in the morning  to view Moon Mouse 

Tuesday - First day of Fluoride Mouthrinse /
                 Pancake Lunch 
                      by the Home and School - THANK YOU!   
                 Favorite Jersey Day / 
                 PSSC at 6:30 pm 

Wednesday- Outdoor Activities in the morning 

Thursday - Formal Dress up Day
                   Kindergarten Lunch 

Friday - Wear Creeker Colours.Clothing and Fit Friday in the 
                gym ;) 

March BREAK  March 6th to the 10th!   - ENJOY!!! 

Katherine Campbell
Garden Creek Elementary
453-5409  (c) 259-0588
"Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker!"

Mission Statement: Garden Creek School strives to provide a safe, caring learning environment where everyone feels accepted and can develop their full potential.
Vision Statement: Garden Creek School students will develop the skills to become enthusiastic lifelong learners and caring active citizens of their communities.


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