FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 6B 1&2 - Mme Sollows-Astle(S-A) - Wednesday, December 16th, 2020
December 16
6B 1&2 - Mme Sollows-Astle(S-A) - Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

Math(6B1 & 6B2): 

Math - Finish the table in Assignments on Teams (due tomorrow night at midnight). Technical issues made it difficult for students to finish in class today.  Most have it on paper, almost complete.  Directions are under Files and today's date for the "Leçon de math".

Multiplier un décimal par un nombre entier - YouTube​

For games and practice sheets in many subjects at different levels explore the following site:

Jeux éducatifs en ligne (logicieleducatif.fr)

Other videos to review:

Les nombres décimaux - YouTube

 Les nombres décimaux jusqu'aux millièmes - YouTube

Les nombres fractionnaires et les fractions impropres - YouTube

Continue to practice multiplication table and use it when working on the percentage and decimal homework. - Have it ready to use during evaluations.

Soc. St. (6B1 & 6B2):

Power Point with 3 slides due for Friday.  Most have is almost done.  Technical issues made it difficult to finish in class.

We will try to finish up the sheets on celebrations tomorrow in class.  We have 1 more to do!

Worksheets on celebrations around the world should be completed each night.  Students have been given a sheet each day to work on during class time as a group with classmates.  They should all sheets completed as we go along.  All sheets will be collected on Friday, December 18th.

Holiday recipes: So far we have just one student installment of holiday recipes to share along with two of mine:

Recettes des élèves.pdfRecettes des élèves.pdf

Brown Sugar Fudge.pdfBrown Sugar Fudge.pdf

Lussebullar_safron buns.pdfLussebullar_safron buns.pdf

Evaluation changed to just an activity for Wednesday, December 16th

Neighbourhood map project: we will work on the map again on Tuesday, December 15th.  Students should add to their plans any information they are missing. The project is explained in the pdf below:

carte du voisinage_leçon pour TEAMS.pdfcarte du voisinage_leçon pour TEAMS.pdf

News items are always welcome and student collect points for sharing news items.  They should be sure of the facts they want to share.  Not long and involved yet, just headlines with a few details. After Christmas we will start with more detailed news items.

Language Arts:(6B2):                                                                                                                    

Continue with Christmas story and send via Teams or just email it to me by Friday.

Read 10 minutes at home.

Bring a novel to class - book talks in prgress.  Students are reading and making notes. They may be practicing what they want to share with the class about the novel they are reading.​


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