FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
November 15
Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
6F, 6G, 6H SCHUM​
Test TOMORROW on the American election Part 1 for 6F & 6H
 Test THURSDAY  on the American election Part 1 for 6G
The sheet they have been studying (L'élection de 2016 aux É.-U.) and the activities and discussions leading up to the election is all they need for tomorrow.
Part 2, the election results: Day 2, November 21st for 6F, 6G, 6H.
This one will focus on what we were working on today and will continue with tomorrow and next week.
Two sheets: one map and one summary sheet we will be completing off the results listed on a website.  
Map project : This will be changed form every Monday to every Day 2 after next week (it happens to be Day 2 on Monday). We will be working on this in class. Students have made a list of important features in their own neighbourhoods. (May want to add some.)
In-class project and there is little to do at home. 
The rough plan  rough plan on looseleaf is all they need to have so far. If they miss a day they can always come in on Day 3 Options for help to catch up.
Objects: Students asked to bring in an object that is important to them or that they use on a regualr basis. They have a follow-up activity to the War Museum display. Last class is going tomorrow and so will will start the activity with each of them. If they forget an object they will just use one from their locker.  It is not critical to have a special one. This is not a presentation, but a written activity.
EAT WELL & SLEEP to prepare for any testing!


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