FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
November 29
Mme S-A (Sollows-Astle)
HR: $10 for TNB production of the Snow Queen

6F, 6G, 6H SCHUM​

Retest: Post- election Day 4, Options (even is there is a storm day tomorrow). I told them all to take their books home and to spend the whole day studying for the test. ;0) It is not exactly the same. It will be a new test with a True/False section and then an essay question. They should be reviewing all of their notes.

 0-8.5/15 : Students with marks in this range must take the retest and come in on Day 3 during Options for extra help and to study for the re-test. This way I can ensure they are on the right path to success.

9 - 12/15:  These student may take the retest, but it is not required.

I asked the students to add up their scores on the two tests to find out how they did overall. That way they will see that the total out of 30 is much better. (I used to give this type of test all at once. The second test is like part 2 and is more challenging.

Interview a grand-parent or older person you know about when s/he was your age.

This can be done by phone, e-mail, skype, Facetime, etc.
Suggested topics: a typical school day, a family birthday, a holiday or festival, or another of your choice.
Sheet provided in notebook which explains the whole assignment.
Students  are to only do the interview as homework. Due next Day 5 (le 5 déc.)
The rest will be done at school in class.
Map project : Day 2
Students have made a list of important features in their own neighbourhoods. (May want to add some.)
In-class project and there is little to do at home. 
The rough plan  is to be done on looseleaf only. If they miss a day they can always come in on Day 3 Options for help to catch up.
6I & 6J (Post Intensive French)
Currently working on a story and projects realated to daily routines, emergency plans and things that scare us. Fun story about adventures and being prepared.


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