FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Mme Sollows-Astle (S-A) March 29th, 2020
March 29
Mme Sollows-Astle (S-A) March 29th, 2020
I wish to extend to all of you wishes for good health, patience and peaceful thoughts.

As we all continue to follow the direction of our provincial and federal government guidelines, know that I am thinking about you, missing you and looking forward to a time when we will gather again.
Continue to find joyful moments each day and reach out with a phone call, text message, email, facetime, etc. to those around you, elderly neighbours, etc.

If you are helping with those who cannot leave their homes, do take care. My Mom, always ended our phone calls: "Take care of No.1, from there all else flows" - I share this with you now, as I know that some of you may need to be reminded that while, we can help everyone by staying home and following all the protocols being given, we cannot help every individual we know.  You may be helping an elderly family member or neigbour or someone else in need. Or, maybe you are helping more around your own home, making it possible for others in your home to go out to do service for others. Just remember to take of yourself first so that you are  able to continue with all that you do.  

Sing, dance, pray, do chores, paint, write, play with siblings and pets, etc. 

Take care of each other.


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